The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Perfect. Most of my listening is low volume, when I replaced the 500 setup with the N50 keeping the SL2s / DAVE I felt no loss in the overall delivery and wondered why I bothered climbing the Naim ladder. Don’t get me wrong the 500 setup delivered a masterful overall performance but at a BIG cost.

Now because of the slump in the used market I now run a 552DR with 250DR as I wasn’t prepared to let the 552 go for silly money, now gain a remote control :upside_down_face:

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I don’t agree with this.
If my power calculations show I’m using 4 watts, why do I need an amp with 100 watts?

The Nait at 25w with the ability to hit 225w for short burst should be more than enough.

I also believe there is more electronic noise with higher powered equipment.


Brother Bruss, don’t do it. 72/hi/140 is to good to pass on.


Been streamig for ten plus. This thing is game changing.

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Kokon to Zai, Saturday morning.

I think it’s probably a matter of time before you realise what you are missing without the 250 or 500 in the chain. Sometimes you can perceive clear and detailed sound but what you are actually hearing is more exacerbated sounds at the expense of real musical flow. Similar to high powered engines with low torque. Ther’s just something missing.

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You need power for dynamics and easy flow of music. 225w of burst power for a millisecond may not be enough.

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Hi, I have both Nait 50 and 72/HC/140 but they are in used at different systems and locations. I haven’t compared them directly in the same system. I will do that and report you later since the little Nait 50 is not difficult to be carried over.


You might be mixing DAC quality with streaming. Streaming can provide the best performance currently available to domestic audio, but sure there are several variables to streaming, and iperformance can vary between service providers and not least local CD rips… however the big dependency is the DAC.
Less capable and cheaper DACs can sound fine now , but in my experience they won’t sound as intricately there in front of you as higher specification DACs, but the latter come at a cost.
Vinyl is great, I have enjoyed it, its colourations and distortions can be really appealing… but again I got frustrated with too much variation in pressing quality…and production quality… and I believe there are far more variables and hurdles in vinyl than streaming. … not least much modern vinyl will start with a digital distribution master pretty similar to the streaming distribution master


Not sure if you speak from experience and what exactly?
Mine is somewhat the opposite. Until recently I had a 25, 40, 80 and a 100 WPC amps at home. I’ve let the 80 one go and use the rest. Over time as I continue to evaluate them (in average rooms) I am more and more drawn towards the Nait 50 and it would be the keeper if I had to choose just one among them right now.


Nah… you can’t say that at all… it depends on speaker efficiency and displacement size and how far away you are from the speakers… you may be surprised how little actual power you need… speaker efficiency and listening position has far more of an impact. For most speakers over 90% of the power is wasted as heat.
Also the quoted power is peak power not tye RMS power… unless you listen to a pure sine wave, it’s tge peak power than provides dynamic transients in music.

Again it’s possible, but again possibly not. I literally had a 552 DR 250.2 setup as my previous Naim amp, I now have a Nait50. Sure the presentation is a little different, but I don’t miss it at all, and am enjoying music more with my Nait50 than I was previously.

For some people, in various environments less is more and more relevant.
I certainly won’t say an integrated like the Nait50 is automatically better than a 552 based system… but it can be as good… each has its advantages in certain environments. Its about what gets you closer to your recordings in an enjoyable way…


Please do this valuable research for the forum. A 72/hc/140 or even 250 is a classic set up that many forum members have, or have had. The new Nait 50 sounds like it could replace three boxes with just the one. But can it?


Bet all the multi box big bucks guys are kicking their arse now that they’ve been royally ripped off that this little box of tricks beats all. :scream: :+1:t2:


What’s the small box to the left of it?


The grain on that veneer does my eyes in, to me, it makes it look like it’s got a bend in it.


I believe the Nait 50 can replace three boxes in my smallish room - 2.75m x 3.4m - however I keen to do the research too but have to wait for a few weeks to be there.

Well that’s all me. You can choose from hundreds of wood veneers, really unusual stuff too like bleached driftwood and dyed poplar. I asked for that specific walnut veneer with the unusual patterning because I thought it was interesting.

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I think it depends on speakers and room size. I have absolutely no intention of replacing the 552/300 DR powering the D9.2’s, with the Nait 50.
On the other hand my 3m cube room with fyne 302’s might well suit the 50 against the Olive set.


To the right of my Nait 50 is my DAC/Streamer
To the left is my Apple TV.

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