The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

…Let’s do the time Warp agai…n

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Well, the only Naim amplifiers I had over the years were the NAP110, NAP180, NAP250, Supernait and I still use my Nait2 once in a while. I also heard the 300 and 500 a few times and I maintain that to my ears, as long as you keep the same quality of amplification, more power is always better.
I have no doubts that you may prefer the Nait 50 over the others but will this preference stand the test of time? Will see :thinking:

We have an overall similar range of experience but you are right - there is the long term test of time! I don’t know the answer to that yet but while I enjoy enormously my NC250 setup, I feel the Nait 50 will stay through whatever changes to come, just like my Nait 2 before - as a reference point and not to lose sight of what it’s all about.


Simon, I have always respected and enjoyed your thoughtful comments. And still do!

As you say in your second paragraph, : ‘’ For some people, in various environments less is more and more relevant ‘’. Well, I say that for other people more is simply more!
For me, the fact that you choose to replace your ATC’s for less demanding loudspeakers comfirm the fact that power ( or sturdy power supplies ) is important.


The Nait 50 has a very good MM stage - on par with my Graham Slee , if you want to upgrade MC you will need a separate Phono Stage or step up transformer like Graham 55 showed you

With Technics turntable like the mid-range one, I would go for an Ortofon Bronze or something similar i.e MM

When you get to the higher end you cn find MM cartridges the would show cheaper MC cartridges a clean pair of heels


Cool, first time deck out in 15 years. WIP…

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Hi - my point its about musical enjoyment and some times various things come together to work for you… I had said several times I never really gelled with my 552 - but certainly many do - its all about what works for you - and just because an item costs a premium it doesn’t make it better for you - as I discovered - and I wrote about it elsewhere on this forum with regard to my personal experiences and with feedback I have received others have had similar journeys.

At the end of the day if your system is bringing a sill grin to your face and you are enjoying more and more listening to your recordings - its working for you.

Looking at the loudspeakers - I do believe my replacement speakers are pretty equivalent to my outgoing SCM 19s in terms of amp load and sensitivity. The RED 50s are are close to 85dB where as the 19s were close to 83 dB and both don’t have any nasty phase load challenges in their impedance response. I have used the 19s across a range of amps - including Naim and non Naim - and their traits appear reasonably consistent - and I do believe upper mid and treble transients are a little smeared - I noticed this with choral music and my own music - and could hear the difference between the studio and the hifi. The RK 50s although not perfect - in this regard they are significantly better in my opinion. Horses for courses … but yes the ATCs can go quite a bit louder if that is important for you.


“For some people, in various environments less is more and more relevant.
I certainly won’t say an integrated like the Nait50 is automatically better than a 552 based system… but it can be as good… each has its advantages in certain environments. Its about what gets you closer to your recordings in an enjoyable way…”

Well Said, I couldn’t have put it any better, great post.


Unfortunatly I never had the chance to hear any of the Russel K loudspeakers. It seems you have found perfect partners for your Nait 50. I am not surprised that you hear a better rendition of the upper mid and treble as it is often a trait of small high quality loudspeakers. Among quite a few others of different sizes, I once had small ProAc Response 1sc and Tablette 8s but realized that the perfect loudspeaker does not exist so you pick your poison and live with it! :wink:

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1st amp was nap 90 ok ish,
2nd amp nap180 to much
3rd amp nap160 lovely jobbly


Its finding the happy compromise, we are all different, but ultimately the main goal is enjoying the music.


Admittedly I was negative at the beginning of Nait 50 release.
Crazy piece which could buy two serviced Naits, 1 or 2., I never for a moment believed I’d order one.
I have previously owned Naits of any kind, my favorite were CB Nait 2, fresh serviced.

I still believe Nait 50 was very expensive.
Even I have far too much kit, I ordered and went for it to last into my retirement. :innocent:


I’m a great believer of less is more.
I’d rather have a system working fit than sitting bloated.
Less box more music. :+1:t2:


It is a brilliant thing.

Made me clear loft. Looking for records…

Have ortofon 20 plus cartridge. What do i need to step it up? 1210.

Hi @Mark63 ,

Thanks, I hadn’t seen the message.

TBH the days are gone from having to power the system down in the correct order.
It is now possible to turn the streamer off first, then the pre-amp and then the power amp. Lovely new mute circuits. This is for new classic only!

…it is still a good habit to turn power amps off first.

If you’re going away you can turn off at the mains wall socket (in auto standby or instant on modes). Then pull the mains sockets if you expect lightening storms.

The new classic product detect the mains has been switched off within a few tens of milliseconds and use their time wisely to mute, then store their status such as volume and input selection etc into their non-volatile memory.

When powering up the units go through their soft-start sequence. This prevents RCD mains trips being inadvertently tripped when the whole system is turned on at simultaneously. Then retrieve the settings they stored to restore where it was left.


Hi, thank you for the explanation, especially regarding the instant on, very clever implementation… all the usability improvements on the new Classic range really add up and are much appreciated here, didn’t think they would be to start with but the four boxes feel more like one! … fantastic work, thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

PJ Harvey, stories. Day off, almost 10 o’clock volume. It is brilliant. The 252 250 are waiting in the wings.