The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

I’ve had Townshend Isolda for a number of years and in different systems, never thought it could be forward, more that it has a darker presentation / version of transparency that doesn’t have some of the sheen of other cables. I recently tried it again in place of my Kudos KS-1 and reversed it back out preferring the Kudos, but it certainly has many really good attributes to it that I preferred over many other previous cables, excellent bass for one.

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For me ‘forward’ is not about tonal balance i.e. dark/bright, it’s something opposite to ‘laid-back’ I would say.

Witch Hat Phantom , goes very well with Naim - if you can get it on eBay

I have Audiomica Excellence cables - 3m pair.

I bought them for my main system (Sugden) but I prefer them with the Nait 50 and Neat Petites. Highly recommended.

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Witch Hat Phantom

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Chord Epic X. Works well for me and my system and room.

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Interesting, I use the term ‘forward’ to define the tonal balance of dominant mid tones. A presentation with slightly suppressed mid tones often feels more laid back.


Ahh, ok, that explains it as it is definitely a cable that conveys dynamics and slam. Could be quite funny to find people that have disagreed on statements that are actually in agreement without realising due to a different reference point on subjective terms.

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What a match made in heaven is the Nait 50 and Neat Petites bongoman

An absolute cracker I must say


Thought that was a limited edition for a moment.

Too much wine!


Well I could ask Neat to make a limited edition just for me.

Neat Petite Bongoman does have a certain ring to it! :grinning:



New speakers.
SourcePoint 8.


Very smart!

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Are you sure those speaker cables are correct going in to the amp? Look for the Pos (red) on the tab.

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I incorrectly connected the cables.


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[quote=“JMC, post:3549, topic:29154”]
Spot on. I don’t have a NAIT50, but my recently serviced and upgraded NAIT2 shines with Spatial X3’s which are large 94db dipole speakers with an active bottom end. [/quote]

wow- cool. i figured that i was likely the only person to use a nait 2 and then nait 50 with Spatial X3s! love those speakers. they are very revealing of amplifier differences, yet sound good with most.

and they can thrive at the power output of the 50


Just made my first upgrade to my Nait 50 system .
I’ve added a Rega DAC-R to my Rega Apollo ( late model ) half width CD player into Spendor S3 speakers .
And having bought a MusicWorks G4 for my main system I’ve moved my now redundant MusicWorks ReflexLite to the Kitchen Nait system . Both are staying !
It’s impressive , how much I can chuck at the Nait and it just gets better .

Just remembered A few months ago I put a Furutech ClearLine AC Optimiser on the old four way mains block in the Nait 50 system. That has transitioned onto the Musicworks Reflex


Good to hear… you are right it is just an incredibly revealing and enjoyable amp to listen through, that ‘scales’ wonderfully, to use the vernacular. The one area of adjustment that I really appreciate on those immersive listening session are inter connects.
I use a DAVE DAC as my primary source, and although my Hiline is great… I feel it colours the sound a little such that some of the emotional cues in the audio can be masked as a result of a more entertaining presentation.… the interconnect that I return to time and time again is DNM flatline with high frequency terminations… and for me I am in heaven with my trusty Nait50, DAVE fed by NDX2 all on Fraim and Russell K 50 on SS60 stands with NACA5… it doesn’t get much better than that for me short of being in a professional sound studio in my experience… one caveat my speakers do NOT give rumble or percussive bass punch that you feel rather than hear… that is one area I have forgone with my current setup with my diminutive speakers…


Maybe you had a cold Nova? :triumph: