The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Just installed Naim powerline on Nait 50

I was a tad skeptical but goodness me what an all round improvement - cleaner, clearer , bass tidied up etc etc

Very impressive and worth the money :+1:


Agree, itŹ¼s more or less a must upgrade for Nait 50


Simon , completely agree . I hadnā€™t mentioned that Iā€™m using Vertere Redline between the DAC-R and the Nait 50 . In this system the interconnect is as important as any component . When they lived in my main system the Spendor S3 speakers had outrageous bass performance which is lacking in the Nait system but the systems innate musicality makes up for that and I just like you donā€™t miss it . However my living room main system now enjoys AE Coriniums , they do base . Love my Nait 50 very special

Indeed however the S3 has a limited bass performance below 75hz and severely attenuated below 60Hz according to the tech notes I have seen ,


so is not really a speaker able to give the percussive punch and rumble (sub bass) I was referring toā€¦ which would be around the 20 to 30 Hz mark.
The Nait50 itself seems to provide a great very low bass / sub bass performance in listening sessions others than with my current home speakers, one just needs obviously larger drivers to feel it.

I feel my source and speakers have a lot in common with yours. It is purely analogue though with a high spec LP12 as source and SBL speakers. The Nait 50 slots in perfectly. Now I have a Linn Silver interconnect with mayware adapter from Urika to N50. Plan is to have a Vertere Redline rca to din in place of the Silvers.

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Sounds goodā€¦

Auralic announced some streamers that look like a nice pair for Nait 50


Great to see their new box look, could indeed go rather nicely with a Nait 50! Also, if I see correctly, their new Vega has a pure DAC only mode.
Auralic, especially their G2 and above DAC sounds brilliant. Their issue for me is their functionality which makes them behave more like a computer (a bit similar to Melco but not as clumsy and hopeless). Hopefully this has improved with their new line.

I am an Auralic fan but I wonder of this new S1 has missed a trick. There appears to be no wifi connection capability?

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better for sq maybe

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I find just the opposite. Nothing cleaner than a good wifi connection.

Edit: In terms of a matching source for the Nait 50 an Altair S1 would be worth waiting for if they decide to bring one out.
Edit: correction, the Vega S1 specs show that it has a streamer, so this is the one box solution for a streamer/ dac to partner the Nait 50.

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Possibly, still their Vega level has always skipped (or avoided?) the wifi, I guess no change there?

Not really, the Vega is a dac that connects to the streamer via cable. It also has as an ā€˜extraā€™ a lower level streamer. The Aries is the receiver if you will, I think it needs wifi as an option.

Thats a plus for me. Not needed.

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Yes wifi should improve SQ performance over Ethernet more cost effectively, it removes all those interference RF reflection issues from Ethernet leads with their varying impedances as well common mode currents. However Ethernet is more plug and play, where as wifi needs setting up, and perhaps it was a cost reduction exercise from that perspective in product design.

If the device has only a small or limited network buffer it may only work well with Ethernetā€¦

Now if it had a combined USB C connector for power and Ethernet that would make sense. I think the days of RJ45 for consumer devices will become more and more limited, itā€™s quite antiquated in many ways.
However you can get little wifi to Ethernet network bridges that you could use.


Well, the point being is that Vega is a fully featured streaming DAC in its own right (hardly even worse sounding than a full Aries + Vega), however no wifi inside. Whether itā€™s because they wanted max SQ and no antenna interference or just limit it (or indeed cost??) so one finds one more reason to buy the Aries, I donā€™t know?: )

I have an Altair G1.1, An Aries plus Vega G1.1 and an Aries/Sirius/Vega G2.1. I can hear the difference between them all in any combination. I think in the early development of their range there was a number of crossovers and mismatches that have been superseded with each release.


I am an Altair G1.1 owner. I bought it preloved 2 months ago and I am totally content with it. IMO the there is no significant difference in SQ between Wifi an Ethernet so I use the Wifi. Tested it with 3 different tracks and for me the sound was a bit clearer with Wifi, but hard to listen. So I had no intention for another cable. My dealer installed a 2 TB SSD in it and ripping is easy with a simple CD drive unit. So I ripped some CDs that are not available on Tidal or the ones I have a special relationship to. Nice piece of kit, IMO better SQ than a Core with a nDAC and much cheaper. Plus the missing streaming unit in the Core.


I have had the Aries G1.1 for a few months now. Do not hear any difference between Wifi and Ethernet so I just removed the unnecessary cable. Streaming from Qobuz and added an external USB hard disk contaning all my music. I slightly prefer the digital coax connection into my integrated amp dac, which is a little better sounding than the coax or USB output into my Qutest dac. Very pleased with this device!

Sorry to side-step the NAIT 50 thread :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


Auralic sounds very good with Naim, although Iā€™ve not heard them with NC amp gear - look forward to the first photo and feedback from this new S series with Nait 50.