The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Looks great :+1:


Forgive me, I tried to give you drama!


This amp lends itself to b+w!

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I like it :ok_hand:

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Whilst irrelevant to me, Iā€™ve often wondered:

  1. M/C into SuT into N50 or
  2. M/M straight into N50?

Does the SuT degrade a bit of the sound?

If I was to use the LP12 with the N50 Iā€™d need to use a Mayware into one of the line inputs.

I find it hard to say if a SUT degrades sound, but the inescapable fact seems to be that cartridge designers put the bulk of their energy into MC, rather than MM, cartridges these days.

Peter Swain (of Cymbiosis) was trialling a new Audio Technica MM cartridge that was attracting a lot of acclaim about six months ago, but I forget the model number, and I donā€™t remember hearing of his conclusions.

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I have found that many SUTs tend to soften both ends of the frequency range, but most noticeable in the low end. Success, of course, does depend to some extent on the MM stage that follows, but a tuneful bass is one area where Naim MC stages excel, so it will also depend on just how important that is to you.

Of course, my experience with SUTs is limited to only a relatively small handful (not quite into double figures) and I have not spent any meaningful time with some of the multi-thousand Ā£ ones like the top end Audio Notes. I do recall that Paul Messenger (RIP) favoured a Pure Sound P10 MM phono stage with a rather exotic step up transformer, and as a P10 owner myself Iā€™d like to try something similar at some stage - the matching Pure Sound SUT is fine as it goes but doesnā€™t put the combo above a Superline IMHO.


It was the Audio Technica 760SLC with the TrigB body modification. I probably wouldnā€™t be allowed to go into details here as I will have Richard on my back but suffice to say any readers can go and check the reviews out there and itā€™s :heart_eyes:
KR, Peter


Thank you, Peter, that is indeed the cartridge that I had in mind.

Perhaps I should be looking for an (impossibly rare) spare ARO arm top, so that I could switch between the Troika and the Audio Technica? Intriguing, but a complication too far, I think.

Mind you, the rebuilt Troika is no slouch in the ARO. And it is all so much more convenient on the glass table with everything at a sensible height.



Have you heard the Vertere MM Sabre and Black Sabre cartridges ? They get great reviews.

Just wondering if they might be OK with the ARO and Nait 50 MM phono ?

Maybe a tad over the top price wise and fairly heavy from what Iā€™ve read ?

If only the LED didnā€™t have the blue tint it would have been perfection. Still room for improvements! :slight_smile:

I seem to recall that, a few months ago, someone posted some details of rubber/nylon covers which could be pressed onto the NAITā€™s bulb.

Just fitted a Sabre and itā€™s good for Ā£275. No chance to try the black yet as v. busy and off travelling again next week only 2 1/2 weeks after getting home from Japan! Hopefully, someone else can answer your question.



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Hi Peter, just wondering if the price quoted is correct as Ā£275 seems very low for the cartridge, my local dealer has them at Ā£950, the Magneto comes in at Ā£275, wrong line on the price list maybe?


Isnā€™t the magneto (AT VM540) Ā£275 and the Sabre more like Ā£800?
I have magneto with ML stylus on my DG1 TT, and may go Sabre in due course.

Thanks for the replies folks & sorry for the thread drift :joy:

Sorry, it was a Magneto. Busy running around covering staff holidays is my excuse :slight_smile:


It does!


A perfectly acceptable reason, everyone is allowed an occasional oops moment.



The nice thing about SUTs is they are quiet gain. There are SUTs out there that donā€™t deleteriously affect the signal. Dave Slagleā€™s SUTs (EMIA) donā€™t soften things. Neither does his autoformer preamp, which I own. Got to spend big money to top it with an active solid state gain stage and at that point, one is just dealing with preferences.