The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Hi @james_n, I often use my portable DAP (iBasso DX170) as a source and am always pleasantly surprised at the sound quality, certainly for the price!

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There’s probably something to be said for simplicity. No mains supplies or network connections - just music playback from internal memory…
I’m sure it’s not its intended use, but the NAIT 50 as a headphone amp is really rather good.

A modern, shoebox sized with built in PSU, Headline :grinning:



You need to take some more photos showing the side shots of your kit.


Hello there, DG. I’ll be happy to post more photos, but I’m not sure what you mean by “side shots”. Would you say a bit more, please?

The kit either side of the LP12.

The current photo concentrates on the LP12, nice as it is.

Be nice to see some of the other kit in its full glory.


Here they are.


You got fog in your house?


No, I don’t know why they look a bit hazy. I will clean the lenses of the iPhone which I used for the photos.

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Like the sultry look.


If you don’t mind me asking, what sort of cable are you using to connect the Walkman to the Nait 50?

I have a CDX2.2 which is digital output only and I was thinking of some sort of Ifi headphone DAC to connect

Hi Ian - it was a spare 3.5mm to DIN5 cable I bought to use with my NAIT 1. Bought from Flashback cables, my old ‘go to’ for various non standard cables.


I assumed this was a UK thing.

I owned a London Fog coat years back.

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James, have you tried a Naim lavender/grey 3.5mm to DIN5 interconnect?

I have one of these Flashback 3.5mm to DIN i/cs - it came for free with a NAIT I bought locally. I compared it with the Naim lavender/grey between my Pono and the NAIT and found that I much preferred the the Naim i/c.


Hi Richard, I remember you mentioning the Lavender cable before, but I’ve not tried one yet. I’m assuming they are a special order cable in 3.5mm to DIN5 guise ?

Brighton sea mist?

Thank you , a much missed company on this forum and very sad for the husband and wife who ran the company

best wishes



Yep. Always great service and much missed.

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Don’t mean to butt in but just for speed here is the cable detail. :+1:t2:


I don’t know. They weren’t when I got mine back around 2006ish, but these days maybe so, although Skeptical seems to have found it on a price list, so I guess it’s still a proper item.


Thanks both - A quick Google found a 2023 accessories price list as per @Skeptikal’s post, so I’ll make some enquiries on Monday.