The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Mine are just rubber domes with no pin.
I never even knew about shorting a circuit intentionally before earlier posts.
I imagine this is a “new “ thing and only for unused phono and not all RCA empties.
I don’t fancy the metal ones on the auction site metal in a phono exposed and not earthed I don’t fancy but the black plastic topped ones look good but only available over the pond. :roll_eyes:

I’m not sure about new. Most of mine came with amps and receivers from the '70s and early '80s. The PM4 shown above, was an early '80s amp.

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Just partnered it with some new ATC SCM7’s, wonderful pairing, sounds sublime as a near field system.


Lovely setup and photo. That’s all I need for music. :heart:


Thanks @Bandit yes it’s getting more play than the main system at the moment, something just nice & right about a small near-field system

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I seem to have found similar. I’m sitting in the small ‘summer ‘ room at the mo, with Harvey the dog listening in peace and letting Mrs Bruss get on with something or the other in the main room. I am now contemplating swapping the study ( second system) in to here. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Or just get a 3rd system :rofl:


Rubber covers on the outputs to protect from dust and shorting plugs on the inputs

I had forgotten mine are even from Russ Andrews! (meaning ready made cheap ones purchased in bulk and stamped with RA! : )


Thank you for that it’s never occurred to me to short them I just covered them for dust.
Should I have these on all my spare RCA input sockets.? :thinking: :+1:t2:

I once bought a pack of them as I needed them to silence down an unused HT bypass input of an old pre-amp of mine. Since then I’ve used them randomly for good measure and dust protection combined!

I would say they help with unused phono mostly …

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Thanks for taking the time to share. :+1:t2:

I got these to cover up the DIN sockets and RCA sockets to protect from dust.

The DIN versions are virtually the same as the ones that came with the original amp.


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You lot must live in very grubby houses. In over 40 years of Naim ownership I’ve never even considered using dust covers and not once had a problem. They seem totally unnecessary and a complete waste of plastic. It’s obsessiveness gone mad.


Hi Diggy.
The ones that fit the din I’d be very interested in as all my sockets are open.
I don’t like unswitched sockets etc being left open.

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I can’t post the link, but it is from Amazon and the description of it is in the attached photo.

@Richard.Dane, if not allowed, please delete.


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Thanks mate I’ve got a screenshot. :+1:t2:

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Thanks just ordered some. :+1:

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Yes, I this can be normal.

Nobody mentioned (I think) that you are using 102 db sensitive speakers. A lot of amps will be challenged by such speakers.

Shorting plugs might help. Might not. Although, I’m not sure why you would be concerned about noise on an unused input.

Phono input typically is the noisiest input. Very hard to design quiet phono stages.

Btw, years ago I used a Nait 5i, Nait 3R, and a 152/155 on nearly 100db Altec Model 19s. The 152/155 was quiet, then the 3R and finally, noisiest was the 5i. Still, all three sounded great. The 152/155 was absolutely fabulous in this setup.

If you live in space or swap boxes often enough it’s indeed not such an issue.


Oh oh… That’s for sure gonna be a challenge with naim. I had Tannoy 93dB speaker for a while and heard a clear hiss from the speakers. Changed to 89dB and it is much better. 102dB is around what the ear hears as double the volume (~10dB difference). If the hiss would be double compared to what I heard at 93dB sensitivity it is clearly going to be an issue.