The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Excuse my ignorance , I’ve seen shorting plugs talked about for years ,but ,what happens if you select the input by accident with the shorting plugs in .
The name just gives me shudders , shorting in any other situation can be disastrous,eg speakers , mains etc .

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Only on inputs not outputs and usually phono if not used.
I’ve just learned. :sweat_smile:

Nothing happens which is the point. The signal input is held to ground which forces no signal input. If it floats it can pick up low level noise etc.

the nai50 is connected to my bc1‘s in the livingroom

My mistake! Apologies!

Alas my Nait50 has had to go to the doctors. One of the input channels started sounding off. Subtle, but not difficult to notice. It’s such a great amp it was apparent when one of its inputs was not quite firing on all four cylinders.
I have a loaner courtesy of Signals whilst it’s being repaired.


Beautiful set up.
What stand are you using?

Hi, Linn Kan II stands turned ‘back to front’ to allow it to sit a little off the wall. I find these stands are great with most small speakers.
I’ve replaced the top spikes with recessed M6 bolts/white tac

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I just gave in to temptation and decided to buy one before they are all gone. Don’t really need it - but it just needed to be done.


I very nearly did the same a week or so ago when the audio dealer was shifting them at a discounted price. Even had one in the basket before I realised I have nowhere to use it. :rofl:

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You have more self control than I do. How much discount were you offered ?

1700 uk pounds purchase price.

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I got a little bit more off as it was a customer return but you are GBP 1700 wealthier for leaving it in the basket and not going to checkout. And I also have no where to use it.

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That’s crazy cheap compared with the rrp. I would not have employed self control.


Once they are gone from retail market
Hifi outlets
Give it a few years I reckon they will start going up in value,
If I good I would get one for an investment, and Stash it away,


Holy cow, thats some discount.
They can’t possible have more stock by now.

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I got a 40% discount on an open box customer return so lost my self control. I am not sure if they will ever go up in value but I think they won’t go down too far from here, provided Naim stick with only the 1973 production.


Thats a good indication of retail profit.
Usually they never loss by sale.


Absolutely. There is probably more margin in the Nait 50 as it is a limited edition so still some fat left at 60%. In Germany there are still many dealers with units available so I think there will be more discounting before these are gone,


That’s pretty good if new and full warranty or reseller guarantee . I see a few used Nait 50 s around the £2k mark, and one reseller advertising new at 2k at a special sale price…. But I notice less adverting new now, so it appears stocks are thinning.
Mine has had to go back to Naim for repair… so using its guarantee.