The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Not sure but I believe dealers get roughly about 40% on most new Naim, not anything specific for the Nait 50?

Without VAT on pre-owned or similar they could go even a bit further down if they wanted to?

I imagine some dealers may have eagerly stocked up more units initially thinking they would be sold out in minutes at RRP and as it’s a relatively quite expensive amp and turned out to be a more “normal” selling process, they might be keen to move the units on.

Not sure how the Nait 50 is doing in US and EU in terms of initial stock and sales?

All in all, looks like a great opportunity where it still exists…

Dealers taken in by the sales hype too !

I guess Nait 50 never was about the business really for Naim. It’s a very niche machine by nature/design for a very limited number of those who really target such amp for the system.

My local dealer told me a few months ago that they were finding the Nait50 a difficult sell because most potential customers wanted a remote control.


Last month I posted this;

I’m not sure whether Naim have any left at the factory now, but would guess that what’s with dealers are now the last new or ex dem units around. That’s just shy of 2000 units, which, for a specialist high end minimalist amplifier with limited power and no frills like remote control selling at over £2k, is a very impressive number. At this level you’re doing well when you sell numbers in the hundreds. At the very high end you’ll be cracking champagne when sales hit double figures.


It is more collectable, nostalgic product, than commercial. The good thing it is good SQ wise, well, at least what people say.
Nothing stopping to make regular version :grinning:, maybe with some improvements…of course CDP/T with top or tray in shoe box format and streamer.
Job is done.
Can be also done as great Uniti3, but unlikely :worried:

I think its the sound profile/SQ that stops me trying one. I have an Olive hc/62/140 that the Nait 50 could replace. At the discounted price that could be worth it. I just have a gut feeling that the SQ of the Olive kit won’t be bettered or even matched by the reported ‘brighter’ sound of the Nait 50.

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I asked a while back how the sound of the 50 compared to a 72/140. Nothing that was said convinced me i needed to go and have a listen.


I have been listening to a NAIT 50 for a while, trying to figure out whether it stays or not. My impression is that it is fairly transparent (or honest?). What you hook up to it and what you use to do that can easily affect the sound you get out of it. For instance it can ‘sound’ either side of bright by simply changing an interconnect! I enjoy listening ‘through’ it.
If you must have the old NAIM sound you may find it too neutral?

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Sorry for being curious maybe !
I didn’t read your previous statement.
What was the issue ?

One of the line inputs started sounding ‘off’ compared to the other, and appeared to be getting worse over time. We validated against a loan Nait50 and could very much hear the difference as this is such a magnificently neutral and revealing amp.

I think it is very well balanced given its power - and as such kind of demands top quality sources and speakers which is what you might have discovered - perhaps that is a surprise given the relative modest price of the amp.

From a timing perspective and that natural feel it is possibly one of the best Naim amps I have heard … when partnered wit the appropriate components.

Yes this is a taste of high end in a small box; if you want a more cuddly or enhanced or filtered sound that is less demanding of source or speakers I don’t recommend a Nait50


That’s a shame. Hopefully a quick turnaround on the repair. I’ll be interested in what they find to be the cause of the issue.


I found the 50 to be very bright, only to be ‘cured’ by NacA5 running from it. It’s still not exactly dark and moody but I can’t help but feel it was designed and voiced with this s/cable in mind.

Me too and whether this is a design fault.

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Wasn’t there a warning sticker on the back of the Nait50 to use NACA5?

No, just the usual warning not to replace the supplied speaker plugs with individual 4mm plugs.


Unless it’s super lumina. :wink:


That’s interesting. I found the opposite compared to other amps I have used from Naim like the 552DR, so have partnered with fast speakers to open out to give a natural feel.


I’m with you here Simon

The Nait 50 is a wonderful amp and gives a good dose of what to expect SQ wise further up the Naim ladder

Because I live in 2 places 100km apart ( city for work and weekends in more rural area) i bit the bullet and purchased 2 of the little fellas

In Sydney I’m currently using it with a fully loaded LP12 ARO/SL/SCDR/Geddon and Neat Petite 30’s. Nait 50 warrants a quality front end.

Rural place - Core/ndac/nait50/neat petite classics

Nait 50 gives the sn3 a run for its money albeit doesn’t have the thrust and power of sn3

Anyone sitting on the fence contemplating should go and get a demo. It’s a mighty little amp and replaced my 32.5/hicap/250