The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Sounds good

Forgot to add - also replaced my Nait 2 which was serviced number of years ago at Salisbury HQ

Nait 50 killed it :+1:

Naim should have you on a retainer. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I believe that text is required to sell in the EU or to have the banana bores fitted with rubber bungs to suggest using bare wire instead. As Naim don’t use posts that support bare wire and bungs would render them useless, that text is required AFAIK.

There was actually a moment around 1994 when suddenly regulations got very strict about the fact that 4mm banana plugs also fit in mains sockets. I remember overnight everything had bungs, warning text, or went to 2mm banana. I used to have to unbox all the new gear in the shop; get the bungs out with self tapping screws (some were really wedged in, it was the easiest way), then box them up again for the stock room so customers didn’t have to face frustration on set up.

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I know Pete

Trying hard :grinning::grinning:

How’s Newcastle treating you ?

Not bad it’d be nicer if they didn’t keep sticking needles in my arm. :grin:

Newcastle is going through a huge transformation there’s so much building going on. Looked at an apartment (on line) for $12m plus.

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Good god $12m

Don’t mind the city , spent many years up and down the freeway going to the shopping centres with Lend Lease and GPT and now Stockland

City is a bit like Wollongong , they have certainly and are going through transformations

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We were talking to a couple from Wollongong last night they think it’s dragging the chain compared to Newcastle

Yes, the question comes up quite regularly on here.

I agree , it’s a niggle, though whilst I was dealing with the tear in my knee - it became a bit of a grumble

I saw your first post and it made a difference in my purchase decision. The discount coupled with the last of the supply made me think “it’s now or never”. So everyone is happy - soon the 1973 will be gone and I have got one at a price point that worked for me. It has arrived and I can’t wait to try it out. It is absolutely beautiful.


Good decision - it’s a great little amp.


Thanks - you are not wrong with the word “little”. When I picked up the parcel I almost threw it over my shoulder as it was so light - I have never experienced any Naim amp not to weigh 15kg. It’s really fun and will be my “on the road” amp.


Well, every capable amp should do that :slight_smile:

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I was reporting my findings to those who might say or think it is inherently bright, as mentioned in some postings.

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Does have me scratching my head… its anything but bright… in fact occasionally, albeit just occasionally I wish it was a tad brighter on some productions, possibly that says more about those productions, but overall I think it has it about right… I think the adjective phrase that springs to mind is enjoyingly neutral.

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Yes I agree, on some familiar recordings I did think it was a bit rolled off on the top end but without a true reference I hesitate to attribute it to the NAIT 50. Neutral might just be the right word.

Can’t say bright sounding describes my Nait50 in any way whats so ever.

I compared my Nait 50 to the NC250, both with the 222 and Atom HE.

The only area where the Nait 50 falls short during normal listening is very low end depth and slam with my Marten speakers. Pushing the Nait to 12 o’clock volume with lower volume on the HE gives best bass and if used in this combination I would recommend this setting.

I am still quite curious to compare the 333+Nait50 vs the 222-250 but should say the latter is a very well thought through and brilliantly matched combo.

I would not think of the Nait 50 as bright and would call it playful neutral. I think some ls3/5a may seem brighter as they are prone with some recordings but my Spendor D1s are very well behaved with the Nait! It likes and excels with good sources and good speakers alike, and makes them shine in return.