The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Mine arrived yesterday, but I was at the office and then out at the Edinburgh Fringe so couldn’t play. Been on calls all day today but managed to open the box during breakfast.


i sooo want one! dont have any use for it or have the money but it looks so nice…


It’s very nicely done isn’t it - Sublime SQ and updated internals aside, it’s just a lovely nod to the original aesthetic but with some subtle, high quality enhancements. Mine’s doing a sterling job on headphone duties at the moment.

I suspect my NAIT 1 will eventually be moved on but i think the 50 will a keeper. You’ve got to scratch these itches :innocent:

Enjoy your NAIT 50 !


Neither did I Phill, but you know… :rofl:

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Ortofon 2M Black arrived to complement the Naits phono abilities. Very impressed.


My original Nait is away with Darran for recapping, so my Nait 50 is being used with a Bluesound N130 and Spendor 3/5R2 speakers while we are in a holiday cottage during a visit to the UK. The streamer might not be the last word in refinement, but the system certainly performs well enough during a rainy day in Cornwall.


The sun will be out and about tomorrow, you’ll be able to have a swim in the sea for the next few days.


You might find the Nait50 slightly even better on a full fat Fraim shelf. I did compared to a no name wooden hifi stand…


Hi Simon
Its current location is not its final position. It’s been plonked there since it arrived last week. I’ve been too busy enjoying it to move it. :grinning:

I’m sitting here just now amazed at the sound I’m hearing with the 2m black going through the Nait’s phono stage. :exploding_head:


The kids will be in the water tomorrow, while I am checking out routes on my bike for LEJOG in 2026.


Weren’t you considering Audio Technica VM750SH?

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Excellent, probably way too early to say as you have got a new cartridge and as well as the N50, but it would be nice to hear your thoughts on how it compares to your previous setup.
My N50 is starting to settle in nicely after about 60hrs of vinyl spinning.

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Yes I was/am. The new black came up at a price I couldn’t turn down. I have to say it’s surprised how good it is straight away.

Hi Dazza
Initial impressions are very favourable. I’ll feedback when it’s run in.

What was your previous set up.

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Mentioned earlier in this thread but I had a Rega Brio before, and the N50 blows it out of the water. I was considering a used Supernait 3 but just couldn’t resist the Uber cool retro feel and looks of the N50.
Only listen to vinyl on my LP12, no CD, streaming or radio atm.


Well, I have to say that I am so impressed by this little fella, what an amplifier.

The combination of Rega P8 with RB2000 arm, Ortofon 2M Black, Nait 50 and Stirling LS3/5a’s is just brilliant. The fact that it all looks soooo cool and simple is the icing on the cake. I think the biggest surprise for me is the MM phono stage in the 50. With the 2M Black I don’t seem to be wanting anything more.




Excellent and that’s just after a week or so, once it’s burned in you’ll be in for a real treat.
I think I will happily live with my N50 for the rest of my hifi journey, just puts a smile on your face.


The phono of the Nait 50 is more than half decent, indeed. I also have it with the P8 but with an AT cart, all to a pair if Spendor D1s.

Then I should probably mention that at some point recently I also tried this setup with Hana ML and NVC TT and thought all these were made for each other!

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Hi @carruthersesq
Glad you’re enjoying the Nait50. :+1:
Did you get rid of your SN3 or do you have both amps?

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Glad you’re enjoying it… it’s a cracking bit of kit isn’t it.