The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

How big is your BMW / how small are you?


Do the indicators not work. :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:




Please tell us more. How would you postion/compare it vs Supernait3/Nait XS3/Nait 5Si?

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Too early to tell it’s not even run in yet
Also the results I get in my environment might be very different to yours
Best go to a dealer and give it a try…………

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Hi @Skip , my F80 did the same. I’m told there’s an internal safety fuse that can blow. It’s apparently an easy fix if you can get inside the box…
I have to admit I’ve not got around to doing it as I don’t really have a use for my F80 currently, but point is your F80 issue may not be terminal.


Thanks for the heads up. I may pursue a repair.


I just get informed from my naim retailer my Nait 50 LE will arrive next week…I am very happy to get one of three deliver to Switzerland…I just wonder why such a small amount of units will come to my country?!?

I guess that’s a question only your distributor can answer, but then with only 1973 units being made and how many dealers worldwide…?

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So it means that 2nd unit will be for me. I am just wondering if the 3rd future owner from CH is on this forum as well :slight_smile:

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The Nait 50 is available in Switzerland too. Using Google „nait 50“ and Switzerland you find some offers from dealers who have the Nait 50 in Stock (price 3k). There is also a presentation on the swiss information Platform (high end audio). And you can have a look at the Facebook Site of Horn distribution Switzerland.

I think dealers offering the product might be very different to them actually having the goods. :wink:


Lol - my translation tool tells my the run-in is correct :smile: my girlfriend nevertheless would like the Firestone way more … so I have sports :slight_smile:

Got to see the Nait 50 finally at the North West Audio show this morning, although it wasn’t on demo. Looks great. Both Doug Brady and Acoustica had one, but they had not had chance to try it out as yet.

The Naim Salesperson did say that whilst great, it would not be up to Supernait 3 level - someone mentioned that earlier in this thread.

I still want one, but still have no use for one :disappointed:

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Want and need are two lines that seldom cross


Well I do want to need one :smile:

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Just buy one
I did for personal use but I absolutely do not need any more shoe box amps but happy I have it


Same here - no need, but first customer at my dealer who ordered one.
The nait is on its way to my dealer.

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I have one also on order, a UnitiQute to act as streamer and DAC (I only use internet radio) and at the moment I have a CDX2.2 with digital output only .

I can see a Leema Elements or Cyrus CD transport in the foreseeable future , a full sized sound from three half width boxes


Hey, I was at the North West Audio Show earlier and saw the Nait 50 in the flesh too, very nice!

I was trying to persuade Pete to set it up but they were too busy demoing the 200 series at the time. I should have mine hopefully by end June :crossed_fingers:t3:

Btw, I don’t actually need one either but I couldn’t resist!

Go on, you know you want to…
