The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

I have ordered one, and don’t even have any musical source for it - but I do have a new pair of Falcon Ls3/5A 'speakers for it to play through.


Falcon LS3/5a and Nait 2 work as if they were made for each other, although from a purely technical point of view it should not be a good choice. So I assume that it should work even better with the Nait 50. :+1:

If you want to use the ‚Stream‘ button as a source, give the Lindeman Network II a try. Nearly perfect sounding with the Nait 2 (given the limitations).


Thanks for your encouraging words - it’s a leap in the dark for me at this stage.

I fear that streaming, for me, may be a bit too much like trying to teach an old dog new tricks!


I suspect I may be an older dog than you and I would say streaming is definitely the way to go.

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I will need guidance on that, chaps! What extra ‘kit’ would I need for that? I want to keep everything as compact as poss, as this will be a bedroom system, replacing a Tivoli Model Two stereo radio - which will assume kitchen duties.

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Well, you need a subscription to the streaming service of your choice and a decent interconnect. Back in the days (if we are talking about old dogs :wink:) I prefered Chord Chrysalis. I still use it with CB and Olive.

Actually I would say forget the “decent interconnect”. Any interconnect will do. But you will need some sort of streamer to put between the streaming service and the NAIT50.

to me

first source - end especially for a nice looking analog amp like the NAIT50 - is always vinyl.

streaming for “background” music …
if I take time to enjoy every second of an artis, I can`t use digital remotes

but this is just me

Streaming, Graham?

Good luck with that

Sorry, I need much more basic guidance, as I don’t know how streaming works at all.

I assume that I need to start off with some sort of ‘black box’ of electronics (whatever colour it actually is!).

I want to keep the system as simple as possible, as it will be basically something to tune to Radio 3 when I go to bed at night (although I may stretch to a CD player as well at some point). Or even try to use a Naim n-Vi, which has sat unused for almost 15 years since I unwisely bought it. Naim’s least successful product ever - or is that the AroMatic (of inglorious memory)?

Stevie, your response appeared while I was typing, but you clearly know my technical (in)abilities scarily well!!

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I’m afraid streaming the way this forum does it is way beyond my abilities or needs, Graham. If posting an image requires assistance, I’d humbly suggest streaming is a whole other ballgame! :laughing:

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I have a penchant for the node 2i streamer. It would sit perfectly on the top of a Nait 50. It connects to your wifi directly and then feeds via an analogue cable in to the back of the Nait.


Why not look at a Technics SLG-700 M 2 ?

It will give you CD and knowing that you are a classical music buff, SACD . In addition it will give you internet radio , Radio 3 HD is a joy . If I can use internet radio …

Other streaming services can be utilised as, if and when you become comfortable .

Audio T do deal with Technics and maybe they can provide and install it for you

The other suggestions would be a Naim NDXS2 or an Atom HD

best wishes

PS I looked at TomTom yesterday and they didn’t seem to have any Naim CD players , which is amazing

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Ian, James at TomTom thinks that he can supply a CB NAT01, which will do most of what I need for my bedroom system, with the Nait 50 (on order ) and the Falcon LS3/5As (and stands) which I have, ready to go. I even have the new runs of NACA5, nicely terminated with banana plugs!

You must come and listen to it all soon, particularly the ‘big boys’ upstairs!!


In this case, please share your impressions and the setup/environment in which you conducted your initial tests. Did you experience any WOW effect :slight_smile: (after all, we were talking about the 50th-anniversary edition, not “another” integrated one)? Personally, I believe that information about the sound before burn-in is also an important clue that I will consider when listening to my unit. I’m convinced that many users following this thread, who like me purchased this amplifier blindly, would eagerly appreciate any information about it.


Of course. I meant that the Lindemann I mentioned above is connected with it. :wink:

A Bluesound Node (N130) is a very easy to use piece of kit. Not the last thing in sound quality but very good for the money. Easy to set up and if you open a Tidal/Qobuz account you will have access to endless music.

What is good about the N130 is that it has presets so it is very easy to get to your favourite radio stations. Not a great outlay to find out about streaming.

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I’d never convert to streaming, my main sources are Vinyl and CD, sometime FM.
I do use internet radio which is very convenient.

I you don’t want to faff with records, the little ifi bluetooth thing is ok, don’t expect miracles but nice for podcast and news, debate etc.


Interesting pairing Bruss. Do you stream locally stored files from a computer or NAS, or just from the streaming services? I’m curious about having a play with BS Node, but have read they can be a little unreliable when local streaming, losing metadata and album artwork etc.

@bruss I agree. The node is easy to operate and set up. The app is excellent and you can get internet radio stations as well as streaming music. Plus it is similar width to the nait2.