The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Graham, you can control any of the Naim streamers with an iPhone. The Naim app is a doddle to use too. I’d recommend an ND5XS2, which will give you access to the streaming services you need and internet radio. The performance of the BBC HD Radio 3 service is not far off that of a NAT01 too.

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Hello everyone,

As a new member of this forum, I’ve been enjoying the discussions on the Naim Nait 50. While I greatly appreciate the knowledge and contributions from our experienced members, I believe it would benefit everyone if we avoid off-topic discussions about streaming applications/equipment.

If you’re interested in exploring streaming further, I kindly suggest starting a separate thread specifically dedicated to that topic. This way, we can maintain the clarity and relevance of the current discussion, while still allowing for further exploration in a dedicated space.

I hope you understand my point, and I sincerely hope it does not offend you. :slight_smile:


Ah , this is about equipment that will go with a Nait 50, very often on this forum conversations will meander .

As they do in real life, Graham has a Nait 50 on order , it’s a second system and with speakers to drool over . His prime source is radio, and has no experience whatsoever with streaming.

I ‘m just trying to tell him how easy internet radio is , and Clive has pointed out what I feel that an internet radio to R3HD is to a high standard . As Graham and I have been chatting over the years , I know he has a serious tuner but I know they are difficult to source (other than a Magnum Dynalab)


Hi Graham , Clive has just said what I was about to say.

Best wishes


Mine has just landed at my dealer here at Namur Belgium.
I have just got mine from Cinephil at Namur Belgium. They’ve told me Latham audio NL the dealer only received 2 Nait50 for Benelux
They keep one for testing and therefore I am a fortunate and lucky guy. Thanks Cinephil and Latham !


Why is it that the rest of the world gets new Naim releases before those that live closer to the point of manufacture? Strange.

I do not know at all

The Dutch dealer for Benelux only got 2 whose mine. I ordered it on 05/19


enjoy - very nice purchase

I have no time till Friday night for connecting it with my tannoy legacy eatons 89db.
As streamer I’ll connect my nd5XS/xp5XS and as TT one Technics GAE.
I’ll give here my first impressions on comparing with one nait 5i


You will be the first to tell.
Mine should be on the way - already arrived in Germany.

I don’t think they are all sold out. If so - there will be soon silly eBay ads. I do Not hope that this will happen. Hate it, when it happens to limited Lego sets

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I think maybe a first batch of assembled nait50 has been already allocated
what does mean the serial nr 533860 and part nr 004-0292

This could be the case. First batch … early series :roll_eyes: :grin:

533860 is the serial number of the unit, and 00-004-0292 is the part number of the finished/assembled component in the erp system. i.e, 00-004-0292 = nait 50.


A dealer I often use north of Toronto, Canada has a Nait 50 listed on his website as “in stock”
Not sure if he only has one, I am not in the market personally.

Strange that Nait 50 units seem to have landed in the Netherlands and Canada before UK dealers have received their allocation.

Or are people getting a little bit ahead of themselves?

I am certainly one of the first worldwide who ordered it (05/19) except preorders at the Munich High End exhibition.
Fortunetaly I am the only one in Belgium thanks to my seller and the Benelux dealer who only got 2 and kept one for demo

That was nice of him to keep one for demo, when there won’t be any left to actually sell, as you have the other one!


I am quasi sure this one is from a first batch of assembled Nait50
Question of patience actually
Due to the lack of review so far it’s quite logical they wanted to test one and express afterwards their comments


received it yesterday. Warmed it up through the night with Naim Radio. Came today in my shop, turned up the volume… and tears came to my eyes. It’s absolutely fantastic. playing it actually with a NDX2 + XPS-DR and Neat Petite Classic speakers. Dream setup. First impressions from Lukas Larp Naim seller from Vienna Published with his agreement