The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Just received it today and have only had time to listen to a couple of records, so too early to draw any conclusions. But first impressions are positive.

The speakers are Stirling LS3/5a V2.


A to Z of record collection.


Looks absolutely lovely. Minimalist. Simple. Elegant. Bet it sounds wonderful too.
Great job fella. :+1:


Works for me and still day one.

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Can anyone comment on the volume control? Feel, low volume channel balance and ā€œusableā€ volume range? Obviously let us know speaker sensitivity regarding the last. Thanks!


I asked my dealer exact that question.
hes 99.9% convinced this wont be an issue on that unit.

I can tell you how it feels - lovely! I got to pore over one yesterday. I just love the volume knob - it looks like the one fitted to the late original NAIT except instead of being lightweight plastic itā€™s a solid police of metal, cool to the touch, and nicely weighted of the feel that you only get when directly attached to the smooth acting ALPS blue velvet within.

It looks just like an original NAIT, but then you get closer and examine the details and you see that actually itā€™s much better finished and, although still fully ā€œmanualā€, lacks the slight crudity of the original while retaining its elegant simplicity.


I must say, it looks absolutely wonderful. The two systems with an LP12, posted by @0.0 and @Teme just look so good; a reminder of past times when things were so much simpler. We see all these pictures with huge systems that look mightily impressive, but somehow a Nait and an LP12 look so much nicer. Itā€™s great than Naim went to the effort to make this little marvel.


Thanks Richard.

Yes, retro with modern internals and build is exactly why I bought one!

Iā€™m now considering trying it, when it arrives, with a pair of Wilson Benesch Arcs I used briefly in my main system, and for some reason really donā€™t want to sell. They were replaced by Bowers & Wilkins 802 D3s which do an overall superb job in the main system, but the little Arcs could be perfect for the second system if the little Nait 50 can drive them. Theyā€™re 88db/1m sensitivity, and rated at 6ohms. I donā€™t know the full impedance curve, so would be very appreciative if any expert bod could advise!

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Looks very nice

Jason told me he tried it with an ND555 up front driving a pair of Focal Scala Utopias and it was surprisingly effective. I canā€™t wait to hear one for myself.


Iā€™ve found a reference to the Arcs being minimum 4ohm impedance. With those Focal dipping to 3.2ohm (from my Googling) I might be OK. Will certainly give them a go with it.

Yes, VMN40ML.

Itā€™s looking a little worse for ware with the stylus bending into the centre of the record and could probably do with some tlc but sounds great.

The CD sticker is indeed to convince myself Iā€™m listing to CDsā€¦ well spotted :joy:


Free tweak from me.
Whenever Iā€™ve used Ortofon or AT carts with the flip down stylus guard they always sound better when removed they just lightly prise of each side.

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Anyone concerned about the volume not been sufficient should seek medical advice, this thing goes LOUD, 9 oā€™clock (1/4 turn) is ample for my listening needs.


Yes indeed it must be very gutsy.
I use my Supernait 3 and darenā€™t go past 9.00. with my floorstanders. :+1:t2:

But this is with phono. With cd/streaming it could be different.
Lovely amp :smile:

Maybe youā€™re using too much bias.

Further query Richard and for all I guess

As the phono input only for MM, what might be the best MC phono to match , plus PS if want to go further ???

Time will tell I guess :grinning:

Or use a SUT for mc.

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