Connected up the old Nait 1 (serviced at HQ), always brings a smile to my face…its driving the 606’s pretty well…
Bass prob not as good as Nait 50, plenty of detail and boogie…very enjoyable…
It usually is connected to some Royd Eden’s, maybe tomoz I will bring them down and connect them up to the '50 and the '1…and compare…
As I am listening and the Nait 1 is warming up more (and my ears), the better it gets…what a super little amp !
Flipped back to the '50…nowt wrong with the Nait 1…and the Nait 50 is a great tribute/homage to it.
Will let the '50 run for 24hrs now…and play again tomoz
@anon17748768 Very Fine - please go on with your impressions.
Love to read.
What is the difference in sound spectrum (Nait 1 to 50) - if you can tell anyway as it is already a few hours unpacked
My ambition all along has been to simplify whilst reducing the box count and keeping quality as high as possible , when I saw a brand new Star at 2/3rds the price a few months ago -I was tempted (for a short while)
As it wasn’t going to have any Naim companions it didn’t bother me that it wasn’t black
I absolutely don’t need a NAIT50 but I am fighting a rearguard action against myself to stop me buying one anyway. I am hoping to hang on until they are all sold, but I am not sure whether I will succeed.
I wouldn’t buy a new Star at 2/3rds of the price even if it were black, or even 1/2 price come to that. But if it were a Nova at 2/3rds the price, I might have been tempted even if it were a weird grey colour.
No balance control on the '50, the balance control ‘space’ being taken by the headphone socket…the balance control on the '1 is pretty rudimentary anyways…
A bonus, as you are using your '50 in a bedroom system, you get a ‘free’ nightlight…the white led is pretty bright (on mine anyways).