The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Liking the teacup supports.


I am planning to have my Nait 50 run some high sensitivity speakers but I hear a lot of people have problems with hissing and hum when pairing with Naim?

A lot of that is to do with the older 75mv sensitivity on the inputs. Later stuff is in the 250-300mv range IIRC. So it depends on the spec. Iā€™d imagine thatā€™s been updated but youā€™d have to check.

A fan of that sixties band ā€œ Chicory Tip ā€œ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Weā€™ve been on a Keto diet for the past 3 weeks, no bread no Saturday morning pastries no flour. Itā€™s been reasonably successful (Iā€™ve lost 3kgs and Mrs Pete has lost 5) and tbh not that hard to stick.


Hi Ryder, Iā€™m glad you are enjoying your Luxman L-590AXII , just as Iā€™ve been enjoying my Luxman L-509X.

The speakers Iā€™ve been using, are the focal Sopra No1ā€™s. I find it works like a charm both together, and I find I get a nice tightly focused sound across the whole spectrum range, with fantastic imaging. The bass is really good too. I think the Nait 50 will also work very well with the sopraā€™s.


Thanks thought so too! but I just came across this review on YouTube where the reviewers had hissing from the 222 new classic pre? That worried me a bit

Silly question I know - can a DAC V1 connect to the new Nait 50 simply with a 4 pin DIN to 5 pin DIN? Iā€™m thinking of changing office system from NAP 100? Thanks

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Yes, you can just set the V1 to fixed volume mode and use it into a preamp. Best to use DIN, although it has RCA out too.

Great to see all these Nait 50s finding good homes :slight_smile:

Whoā€™s next? ā€¦ with pics please.

Like a few people here, I absolutely do not need a Nait 50 in my life, but the Naim ā€˜Forceā€™ is strong with this one and I feel my resolve weakening by the day.


The force is strong with the young one. Unfortunately itā€™s not green anymore :slight_smile:

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You can get LED light diming stickers in green. Not ideal but might work well, or just black it out completely.

Recurring problems like the Linn Radikal Blue Laser LED syndrome.
Linn fixed it and made brightness level a choice with the Rad 2 or Upgrade kit. :sunglasses:

Well I noticed the input sensitivity wasnā€™t in the early manuals I looked at for NC or Nait 50. So Iā€™d recommend asking your dealer and/or Naim support.

What high sensitivy speakrrs are you thinking of? On thing about sensitivity is that itā€™s only measured for 1KHz and the hiss is generally going to be entirely on tweeter which didnā€™t contribute (in most speakers) to their sensitivity rating. As such, it can be pretty hard to predict based on that value alone.

That is a very good point! I was considering Ojas artbook shelf speaker or a pair of Altec Lansing 612s (based on 604hpln driver) I just had someone build, for me. I know this is normally something people would use tube gear for, but I really appreciate the simplicity and musicality of Naim!

Hmm 104db measured on both drivers. Iā€™d fire off a mail to Naim Support for sure and get confirmation.

The 612s fetch a pretty penny on the second hand market. Quite a classic.

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Must resist, although this thread isnā€™t helping. I need to venture into Guildford tomorrow and luckily the Naim dealer there is closed on a Monday !


Donā€™t leave too many marks on the window. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:


Actually not much risk of that because you can see almost nothing through their security screen when they are closed!

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Hereā€™s mine in itā€™s temporary home with my Planar 1. Feeding a very low end pair of Dali Spektor 2 speakers itā€™s still sounding fantastic straight out of the box