The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Naim have really pulled a blinder with this amp, I’m totally blown way.

Everything gels together its so musical even Vicki who takes very little notice on my so called audio journey mentioned today how good the system is sounding, what!! Ive just dismantled a 500 series to make way for the little fella to take centre stage for a couple of weeks…


It annoys me that a 3 box Naim Classic system throws enough green light into the room that you can safely walk across it in what would otherwise be pitch darkness. I recently replaced my dishwasher and the new one is even worse, with piercingly bright lights that are really unpleasant to look at, but at least that’s only when it’s running.
There seems to be some sort of sick disconnect between the current energy crisis and the need for manufacturers to increase light pollution to levels that are probably visible from Mars.


Sounds encouraging. Anything in particular it does better than the bigger amps? A friend sometimes says that smaller amps go round corners better. I think the suggestion being that a heavier V8 can’t be quite as agile.

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Dear Santa, please bring Nait50 a stablemate, like 5his one, pleasee


I recently made the decision to downgrade my system. Sold the 52/SC to a fellow Forum member and will soon sell my HF era 250.

In its place? A gorgeous CB Nait 2 just freshly serviced!

Swapped the ATC 19s for some ebony ProAc Tab 10s and the end result is that music is still enchanting and I’m listening to music more frequently.

In the quest for the ultimate sound, I firmly believe we often skip past the sweet spot of what our ears crave the most, chasing hyper details and ever expanding soundstages and bass thwacks. Problem is, that sound can also be draining and tiresome because of its demands.

Maybe the Nait 50 is the sweet spot of encouraging one to listen more, and obsess over less.


That would be very nice indeed.

Even a production run of 1,000 should be plenty. At £5k ea, as an example, there’s some nice revenue to be had. Dunno if that’s worth it to Naim but it would be pretty popular I think.

Wouldn’t just be Nait 50 owners interested either - plenty of folks with vintage Naim that might like a matching streamer, but Naim know this of course.


Yes please Tintin :+1:

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I appreciate that the 500 will trump the N50 but it makes you wonder what is acceptable and what you can live with.


I found the ProAc Tab 10s quite difficult to drive with a Nait 2. The music seemed constrained a little. Not the case with Guru Juniors or the Spendor 4/5s I used to own though. But you are enjoying them and that’s the only thing that matters.

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I think you’ve hit the nail on the head with this statement.

The 500 is a class above the N50 but at a huge cost, the N50 has made me think long and hard on the direction of my setup its that good.

The other thing though is I’m feeding the N50 with over 17k source and the excellent SL2 speakers as 110dB mentioned they used their SL2s with the N50 during the development.


But you have to think of what would be the gross profit from a run of 1000 units at £5K each and then look at what the development and certification costs would be. Also the opportunity costs of using R&D people to do something like that. Imparted with a bigger run of something else.

Basically this wouldn’t work for the company I think.

I’d rather have a matching CD player, but I don’t suppose that all that is necessary could be crammed into a ‘shoebox’ case.

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There are loads of half width CDPs out there!

This is a transport only, but thought the design is well aligned to the N50…


Nice! That would match my CB NAIT2 beautifully. I vote for a whole new ‘Retro Classic’ range please!

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There are some half width boxes out there , the two I think would make good companions to the Nait 50 are from Exposure and Leema , I’m sure Audio T could get you the Leema to audition

best wishes

PS Haven’t forgotten previous conversations

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Lots of votes I would imagine for this YetiZone

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Do you think an amp is different then, or perhaps Naim could justify the Nait 50 to celebrate their birthday?

Thanks, Ian, if you mean a visit to Brighton, the offer is always open.

I’m still waiting for news of the Nait 50 that I (thought that I had) ordered. Everyone else on this Forum seems to have received theirs - perhaps it’s a sign from the music gods that I should hang on to my (lovely and hardly used) Nait 2! I have also ordered a CB NAT-01 to go with it, and no word on that from TomTom either.

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It’s usual to receive gifts on a birthday, not to give them away!


I haven’t received mine either , suspect manufacturing 1,973 units won’t be done in a day

best wishes
