The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

You shouldn’t :grinning: ! I don’t agree on vinyl I come from the music side of things I love having an album and something physical, I love the ritual and I have never to this day heard a digital source that comes close in terms of reproducing the tone and microdynamics of an instrument like high-end vinyl does … Digital sources does so many things right and I wouldn’t do without for me it complements vinyl perfectly


and will go again, while new music is recorded digitally, and then played back digitally.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. I have two Rega turntables, and a LP12 on the way, but then I’m old and have a small collection of vinyl that I love.
My kids have hifi, two of them have bought TT’s in the last few years. One is now selling having realised that he’s not getting my vinyls for a few years yet. :smiley:


it`s interesting how often I heard in the last 30 years that vinyl became a trend again.

to me it was always there - and it was clear to me CD won`t stay forever.
streaming is another storry which makes sense -
but vinyl will never go

ah yes
the NAIT 50 consequently has PHONO STREAMING and AUX which I like


Interesting view and I kind of agree with new re releases of older non digital recordings ( although many are better left alone). Who is recording new music non digitally though?

Not quite nobody…

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it`s maybe a different discussion…

in any case the second part of your question is very interesting for two reasons.
very view Artists are going the extra mile with analog recording.
but vinyl is so much more than recording technology in my experience…

I think all recording is so much more than the original laying down of the track, but I don’t understand how something recorded digitally can then be improved by putting on on to vinyl.

I’m being a bit flippant - I think to an extent you are right. Vinyl won’t go away, just like it didn’t when CDs first began to take over. I can’t see the current interest lasting at this level though.

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I also have a smile on my lips when arguing this. It mostly seems to come down to a personal preference, often influenced by more than just the audio quality.

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It’s simply a case of putting it into the analogue domain one stage earlier, in order to provide a physical product which you can own.
All digitally recorded music, by necessity, is converted back to analogue in order to be heard. Vinyl simply represents one of the points at which that can happen

Absolutely. I just don’t see how it improves the sound.

Yes, I agree. Putting a CDX2.2 / XPSDR on a Nait 2 might seem overkill, but source first has been a very important mantra for a long time for a reason!

A refined posit:

The extraction of the audio signal, carefully done and with great focus on its preservation, when run through a highly refined, efficient, and well executed circuit, that matches similar aural attributes, leads to toe-tapping good times. :wink:


Re . lack of auto start on sensing music signal . I spent quite a lot of time trying to workout why I couldn’t get this to work on my Nait 50 since it clearly says in the handbook that the Nait 50 does this .
Are we going to be issued with a new handbook or perhaps a printed supplement to go into the inside cover for instance ?

For some it does. Almost certainly not in an empirical sense but in an emotive, or aesthetic sense, often so. Music is so much more than graphs and frequency response curves after all.

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They said that at least 10 years ago :rofl:


Just use tippex.

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Do not know - its a pity as this feature was also all over the www (not only in the manual) after Munich presentation. And I really loved the feature … :frowning: (but can easily live without it)
naim can “make things up” in offering colored LED dimming covers :slight_smile:


Robert_h great suggestion , I’ve given you a like for that really made me smile .

drago , yes it was all over the web after Munich and yes like you I can easily live without it . I was however very relived to discover earlier in this thread that my Nait 50 wasn’t broken or in a strop with my brand new Rega Apollo . The bright-ish LED doesn’t bother me and it hasn’t take long to learn the two brightness levels :slight_smile:

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Completely agree with you. I originally asked the question about the music sense wake-up as I thought ours might be broken. Very relieved when Drago tested it and found the same and now we know the truth!

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