The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Isn’t it because there are Nait 50s being delivered now and the New Classic thread (part 2!) was started to cover the 300 series, which cannot be viewed, heard or acquired until September? - there isn’t much to discuss in detail until then.

Hope to get the first LED dimming covers tomorrow, red ones I think…other colours to follow in a few days…

Just fired the '50 back up in the main system, trying it with a Powerline this time… :smiley:


Be interested to see how those fit :+1:


Me too - will not ship to Germany … oh Dear … :frowning:

Nait 50 burning in … wow!
So much grip and definition for this little amp… Even if in suboptimal environment … Feet tapping - Head banging :rofl:


Maybe something like this? 5 USD.

Or else


Once you go digital it pays to stay digital. You can get a very short signal path with something like a 222 or DSM and a technically simple amp design like 135. Or a Nait 50.

I agree with you on physical media which is a tactile experience especially compared to the UX of a typical You really should be able to make something more interesting with the touch-interface of an iPad.


Would members please respect and abide by forum rules. Thank you.

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Just plugged it in. Great sound out of the box. Not even at 9 o’clock on the volume and it plays loud. Spent about 20 min with the SN3 before switching over. The bass handling is amazing. Tight and punchy. Can’t wait for this to burn in.


My Nait50 is connected with Tannoy Legacy Eaton through Nordost flat red dawn 2 m - banana plugs
One word wonderful


A Tannoy Eaton friend! I thought I was alone :slight_smile: I bet they sound great with the Nait 50 :+1:

I fully agree
as these are better amplified with SS amp than the older ones with tubes.
I compared the Nait50 connection with the Nordost RD flat 2m and Chord rumour 3.5m (I gave my nephew the Odyssey) and what I noticed immediately is punch detail bigger and deep soundstage.
A veil is lifted. Nait50/TannoyLegacy/Nordost RD is very satisfying indeed

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Hi @rosie,

I’m sorry for the confusion. The manual is being updated and will be uploaded to the Nait 50 webpage very soon (lots of translations to do).

…music wake could not not be included due to keeping the PSUs, phono stage and input relays energise in standby. The standards call for auto off and not auto on and power to <0.5W.


Thank you 110db ,
Auto shutdown was new to me and a great feature so I actually read the handbook !
I’m delighted with my Nait 50 it’s just got better again as it runs in , I have been singing it’s praises on other forums you could say I’m ’ tickled pink '. And I completely understand .
I have a friend who is a technical author for an aerospace company . He once wrote remove from aircraft to maintain . In India it read take outside to maintain , so they did they took it outdoors to maintain . Translations can be fun too .

first trials on the led

before :slight_smile:


Your postman is quicker than mine.

Is it ON? :see_no_evil:

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yes it`s on
and no - could nott find a cover online - can you share a link?

mine is handcrafted :slight_smile:
just a trail

I really don`t get how someone is not disturbed by this flash.
the cover is a must have imho

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Once it’s gone into standby, how is it brought back to operation? Presumably the power switch is still in the “on” position, so does it have to be moved to the off position first?