The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Press the ‘mains’ button on the front. That does it.


Guys the white LED is not a big deal , remember when street lights and car headlights went to LED . We got used to it . I like the white LED


I wonder which LED is most dazzling, the white of the Nait 50 or the piercing blue of the Linn Akurate Radikal 1?

Oh a little rubber glass shelf support “thing”. Neat. Mine is currently black tape with a punched hole and a bit of green plastic.

It’s not an on/off button that remains in either position in or out. Only the source buttons stay in when pressed.

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Audio T will be dropping off my Nait 50 tomorrow.

It’s the first new piece of Naim equipment that I have bought in a very long time.


If the only adverse comment on design and sound is about the light …

Then I think I have chosen well

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Hi @Whaleblue,

The original Nait had a mechanical toggle. press it and it stays in, press it again and it comes out.

For EuP <0.5W power legislation this is not allowed. The power must turn off automatically.

The Nait 50 has an electronic toggle and the mains switch comes fully out each time it is depressed (only stays in while a finger is pushing it). Each time the button is pressed a ‘flip-flop’ (like a 1 bit memory) toggles the power state.

…for the electronic engineers out there, yes, it’s a 74HC74D D-type flip flop. - no software in the Nait 50, like the 1980’s. A whole page of galvanically isolated logic to do protection, soft-start, power management and 4 stage muting.


And others. I have no vintage Naim, but I’d be very much in the market for a half-width streamer with a screen & Chromecast.

Although, to be fair, 5k might be outside my budget at the moment.

Advantage of a cheaper one, I think, would be introducing others into the Naim fold. People that already have a Qb or Mu-so could get one for their main system. Then when upgrade time comes, they might start considering the amplification as well.


Ah, of course. Picking mine up soon, but was curious!

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I agree £5k would be way too much - I speak for myself, of course - something over £2K would be doable, and market aligned with the N50. If it had Spotify Connect, Roon and “casting” functionality I’d be in. A nice cover art display would seal the deal!


Am I the only one in the market for a shoebox streamer/dac without a screen? I think “Hifi” manufacturers are generally bad at designing apps (compared to tech companies). Most amps or streamers with screens over five years old look and feel dated … and I already have plenty of great screens with great software (phone, tablet, laptop, etc)…


I am 100% with you

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Innuos PULSE mini, includes Internal DAC - TI PCM5102 supporting 24bit/192KHz PCM.

Edit: Also the Innuos Sense app is brilliant.


Problem is that you have a clearly very capable £3k amp that would warrant an NDX level streamer to my mind.

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Yes agree that’s why the nait 50 manual has page showing connecting it to the ndx2

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No delivery as yet… :crossed_fingers:

The powerline didn’t work for me on the '50…too much slam…crash, bang, wallop…back to powerline lite…may try one of my t’others at some point.

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I assumed that the Nait 50 would of had a captive/fixed mains lead like the old Naits did.

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My Nait 1 has,

Nait 50 has …