The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

It would be helpful if someone compared the sound character and quality of the amp with other modern amps

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Well thatā€™s my setup- makes me feel good!

Can you confirm that the Nait 50 is more dynamic, fast than the slow and boring Naim SN3?

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If your SN3 is slow and boring something is far wrong. :scream:


Report back when you do :+1:

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Agree, have never heard it referred to as that.

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Any Naim amp/s you didnā€™t find slow and boring?
I tried the SN3 and thought it was pretty good but didnā€™t really suit the vintage LP12 and Linn Kans I was using at the time.

Itā€™ll be those half speed remasters on vinyl; always sound slow to me, and why do I have to hack my turntable to play them at 16.67?


next level led nait50


Just compare with Naim Atom HE, Cyrus i7xr, i9xr and Cyrus 8.2 DAC + psxr2 as well as Rega Elicit mk5. Naim SN3 for me! it is slow and has no punch in the upper bass, it plays slow warm and dull.

Maybe just you then.
Donā€™t get it slow at all. :thinking:

LED condom fitted ?


now searching for a white matt cover

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I like that :+1:

Seeing the pictures of the NAIT 50s in the systems on this thread shows what a great job Naim have done in the 2023 update of this classic amp. It looks fantastic, especially with the aluminium front and rear facias and Iā€™m even starting to like the white LED (and this is from a red LED NAIT 1 owner).

Iā€™ve tried to justify buying one but the imminent arrival of the 350 Monos means my budget is already reserved and I really donā€™t need another amp, lovely as it is.

Great to see these NAIT 50s out there and being enjoyed. What a great way to celebrate 50 years of Naim.

Keep the pictures coming :+1:


Did you have to cut it down to fit? Iā€™m quite enjoying the white tbh.


To sum up a bit it is primarily regarded as a lively amp with great sound, details, space and of course all the Naim characteristics (PRATT) works very well with efficient speakers such as Zu, Klipsch, and especially Devore (soundodessey)? I am planning to pair it
with a pair of Baby devoreā€™sā€¦

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Mrs Pud went to Singing group this evening so took opportunity to commission the Eversoloā€¦

Easy to set up, app is good, lots of ā€˜settingā€™ optionsā€¦even the volume knob white ring brightness level !

The Linn DSM/2 is wired into the '50 stream input, the Eversolo into the '50 aux input, so I can toggle between the 2 streamersā€¦

Only had it fired up for 40 minsā€¦comparing Radio Paradise and Qobuzā€¦

Initial thoughts, WOW, it is pretty damn goodā€¦and at this stage a relative close call Ā£ for Ā£ā€¦the Linn is more nuanced and detailed, the ES may have a touch more slamā€¦

A perfect partner for the '50 methinksā€¦

Very early days yet, for the money the ES seems very, very, very, interestingā€¦lots more listening to do.

In a few days I will fire the 552/500 back up and wire both streamers into the main system for further comparisonsā€¦meanwhile :notes:





The Eversolo DMP-A6 looks like an interesting product and offers Amazon streaming too also with the option to add a 4TB nvme