The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

I was going to get a Node X to go with my Nait 50. I don’t need / care for a screen. I value reliability and it being rock solid.
Is this a bad choice? Should I consider the Eversolo?

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I previously had a Node 2i, which for the money was pretty good…the Eversolo looks/sounds to be in a different class, although as yet unproven vs Bluesound…

First impression is very good, worth considering for the cost…

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I haven’t even connected mine yet (arrived today), but what a lovely little amp.

Well done to whoever was in charge of designing it!


I saw Sound Odyssey’s post on their Instagram page, pairing the NAIT 50 with an NDX2 and Devore O/96. I should think the baby Devore’s will make a lovely combo with the NAIT 50 !


As a one owner of Devore O/96 I agree!
Had to sell as they demand a big room, which I now don’t have… did wonder about the new Micr/O

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Lucky man - I don’t have the room for the big Devore’s but I think they just look superb. The four speaker O/Reference system. Wow !

I’m off dreaming about it …

I’m delighted with my ES, early days for me too but seemingly a really decent piece of kit and pairs very nicely with the Nait 50


Love my Node X. Was using a Node to a Qutest. The Node X replaced that combo.

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£6.95 postage and still waiting …

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My new NAIT 50 (delivered yesterday) looks splendid, sitting on a glass table in my living room, but I need now to decide what to do with it. I have a brand new pair of Falcon LS3/5A 'speakers, but I need to sort out a source. That’s quite difficult, as Naim no longer produce a CD player (which would have been perfect) and I have no wish to go down the streaming rabbit hole.

Perhaps I need to find a good S/H CD player?


Why do you describe streaming as a ‘rabbit hole’? It would enable you to play all your CDs as well as offering access to a world of new music through streaming services and internet radio. I can’t understand your reluctance.


I reckon a classic Naim CD player would be great here. If rock and jazz are more you thing then maybe an old CD2 or CD3? Or if you lean more towards all genres including classical then a CD5x or CDX2 would be ideal.


Rega Apollo?


He’s probably referring to the depths some people go with Ethernet cables and routers and switches and special power supplies, all extra to the actual streamer itself.
Alternatively you buy a nad cs1 and plug it in.

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:+1: me also…apparently despatched by DHL…we wait…

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Possibly, but he could always adopt the KISS principle.

Naim do still sell a CD player, the CD5si, and on the factory visit thread one observer said the factory was still making healthy numbers of them.

It might not be up to the standard of their highest end players, but at least one member on here runs one in a system with a decent enough LP12, and likes it.

I love my ancient CD5, plenty enjoyable, I’d probably replace with a 5si if/as/when my CD5 gives up the ghost. Have you discounted the CD5si?


nice one, would be my coice if I had a N50