The Reggae Thread

Reggae vibes out of Austria…

Bonkers lyric and I love the drum and bass interaction on this.
For the trainspotters and Only Fools & Horses fans, this is the tune Denzil blasts out of his ghetto blaster as he roller skates past Del n Rodney in the episode where they try to capture a rare butterfly


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Back in the 1970s, Jamaican born DJ, Kool Herc strung up a sound-system in a Bronx park. While the sound-system itself reflected the city of his birth, the records Kool Herc played, and the way he played them was pure New York City. In a moment of historic genius, Herc found that the best way to keep the crowd going wild was to extend the funky bridges that occurred in certain records by playing two copies of the tune side-by-side, cutting back and forth to keep the “break” going. These records – James Brown’s “Funky Drummer,” The Winston’s “Amen Brother” – became known as breakbeats and they created the foundation for what was to become Hip Hop music.

For DJs and record collectors, discovering breakbeats and undiscovered grooves was like searching for vinyl gold. Some DJs would guard their “nuggets” by scraping off labels of their deepest cuts, hiding their identity from train spotting competitors. Others, like the aptly named Breakbeat Lou, shared their discoveries with the world via mixtapes and compilations (the wonderful “Ultimate Breaks and Beats” series for example).

Kingston Shuffle brings the breakbeat genre back to its spiritual home of Jamaica via 25 tracks mined from the extensive Pressure Sounds catalog. The featured songs are a mix of straight-up breaks, Soul covers and various funky grooves all touched by the unique musical melting pot of Jamaica.


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If your interested I’m recommending the initial 1996 Wingless Angel’s CD as pictured above. It’s on Island Jamaica/Mindless Records and is a HDCD whatever that means, it plays on a normal CD player and sounds great.
It was sort of reissued in 2010 as Vol 1&2. Vol1 being the above described initial album with Vol2 being later recordings. I haven’t heard that one but I think they are more Studio based recordings so perhaps less authentic.

This is the original first Wingless Angel’s CD



Following my earlier post,
Splendid chap from the Royal Mail paid another welcome visit to Dread Mansions.

It came out last year, dont know how this missed my radar
Lovely package, haven’t time to spin it yet but I’m sure it’s going to be good


Hi Steve, is the vinyl version you have a single or double?

Hi Dread!
Double LP.
Sorry still haven’t got round to a direct comparison. I’ll get it done soon!

Malcolm X has become my daily song. When I’m not playing it, I’m singing it! Fab.

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No worries Stevie, I mistakenly thought they were single vinyl LP’s hence my comment about playing time and reduced SQ
Glad your enjoying it, big up yourself!


If you love the Blues get this album, if you love Reggae get this album, if you dont like either still get it.



Great album. Great voice. The outstanding tracks imo are:
Here Comes Trouble, Eternal Fire & Jah Is There.


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Hey Dread, remember this one?

Some late nite skanking here…always loved this.

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Yes mi selecta!
Ital Corner Prince Jazzbo, wicked selection Stevie
Come again star!

In walk Prince Jazzbo pon de version…!


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Yes indeed Hamiltonz, gotta love Chronnix and all the new breed of roots oriented artists.


One of Chronnix first breakthrough tunes.
News Carrying Dread, referencing Jacob Miller and Inner Circles classic Tenement Yard


Another example of Chronnix referencing the past whilst moving forward in fine style. .


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Roots Garden out of Brighton did a wicked re lick of the Prison Oval Rock…


Just easing into the weekend…
Lovely chilled Ernie Ranglin album, double CD one Studio one live…
