The Reggae Thread



Hi Dread,
Hope you don’t mind me asking, I just thought you may be the man to help.
Would you know which streaming service is preferable, (catalogue wise) for Reggae, between Qobuz and Tidal? Or are they pretty much the same?
I have Tidal Hifi, but the recent price drop with Qobuz has caught my eye!
I’d rather ask someone than maybe find out the hard way!

An unscientific analysis indicates to me that Tidal may have a more complete collection.
By the way I have both Tidal and Qobuz, as well as Spotify and Apple. Spotify and Apple seem to have that occasional Reggae cd that Tidal usually does not have


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Hi @KDee
I’ve only to date ever dipped my toes into the streaming world. And dont currently have a regular streaming solution.
That said I have regularly taken advantage of the free trials that are often available and trialled Tidal and MQA through a Meridian Explorer DAC & Laptop.
Performance wise I was quite happy and didnt find much left to be desired in terms of selection, it’s pretty good.
Sorry, I haven’t tried Quobuz much.
I would consider though that as Tidal is owned by Jay Z it is likely to be more supportive of “Black Music”

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But in lesser sound quality than Tidal or Quobuz if you go for the HiRes?


Increasingly Reggae music is often, particularly new releases from Jamaica, available only in the digital world. Presently if something isn’t available physically I buy the best quality download (WAV) and burn to CD which works well. I could probably do eventually with a decent solution to be able to play the files directly through a DAC or other digital audio device.

Tidal has an incredible selection of all things Wackies.

The entire catalogues of both Apple and Spotify are always low res compressed. That its why I have subscriptions to all of the different services.

When one wants to discover a new Reggae album sometimes low res is better than no res


Yes @glevethan I understand that. The reason I requoted myself is to invite you to post any links to streamed music for the benefit of other stream users who may be interested in this thread.

Yes of course.

It will be interesting to get some perspective on the matter of accessibility/availability, comparing different streaming platforms, if you could give a few examples of albums that you found were only available on Apple, Spotify, Tidal or Quobuz?

Cheers for the replies all. It looks like it’ll be Tidal, the sound quality is very good, no complaints there. Will keep Spotify as well though, the platform is very good and my kids would stage a revolt if I ditched it altogether!

Inna De Yard just released an EP Rare Bonus Tracks

I regularly post about the Inna De Yard sessions, anyone remotely interested in JA music should check these out.
Current and foundation artists recorded acoustically at guitarist Earl Chinna Smith’s open air house up in the mountains above Kingston. Sublime
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Kiddus I, Winston McAnuff and Cedric Myton



That’s a class photo👍

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I’ve posted this many times before but I think it’s worth a repeat…


I saw Benjahmin Zephaniah & The Revolutionary Minds at last years One Love Festival. They tore down the place and a definite highlight of the festival for us.
Have been trying to get a CD or Vinyl ever since and by luck yesterday managed to track down a CD. I cant wait for this to arrive.
Physical copies seem few and far between but it might be out there to stream, check it out

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While we were asleep last night, Tidal removed the Messenger album by Luciano. Damn fool dem…

Well, Dread, you got me!
And that Grauniad article.
Quick blast on YouTube, and loved it…so…
I just bought signed vinyl and CD copies of Inna De Yard.

I love Jah 9, so had to…the music’s wonderful too :wink:

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