The S1 pre shining bright

Hi Bluesfan,
Yeah I’ve seen KVa at 4000 stated for the amps, but maybe we can assume, that this is the same for the Nac S1 dunno? In fact that’s a lot :flushed:
Now where is FR when we need him?!?
Best Peter

Hi Peter,
Each of the three S1 boxes has to make do with a paltry 4kVA.
Should be just about adequate though … :laughing:

Maybe this explains why our electric meter readings have gone up the last month, when I read them yesterday :rofl: ATB Peter

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FR? What can a rooster do here?

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It should draw 55 watts when switched on and not playing

Funny Dusty, there has been quite a lot of squinting in my listening room lately! I’m glad i’m not alone in this somewhat odd behaviour!!! :joy: :joy: :joy:



Transistors in certain positions in a Pre circuit can work more linearly when they have a higher standing current - it is usually not done so much as a compromise to power-consumption for ‘good enough’ …but it you were making a ‘Statement’ then you may be using a little more current. :upside_down_face:

The huge transformer is not for that small-ish 50-ish watts power though, but for better performance to deliver that power as I postulated previously above.


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Here is the “math” I was referring to, or how to calculate room modes for for non-parallelepipedic rooms.

Not overly complicated, but not trivial either.

There is an Usb mini in the S1 for software updates. Are they update ?

Nap S1

FR, I’ve been trailing the internet to find out the transformer size in the Nac S1 preamp to no avail.
So consider your task to find the KVa for said transformer knowing how quick you are at finding photos :rofl:. Thank you :innocent: ATB Peter


Thanks Thomas, must be coincidence I suppose :+1:t3:ATB Peter

Can it help?

S1 transformer photo


Thanks FR, but still doesn’t quite answer my question- could phone dealer or HQ me next week, not the end of the world ‘ not knowing’ I suppose. :wink: ATB Peter

I knew that was coming next :joy::joy: Best Peter

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Hi Pete,
This polish review is very informative and well done.

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Nobody responded to my question. As there is USB mini, for updates, have anyone done updates. @Darkebear, @joeling?
I didn’t know that a pre can receive updates by usb.

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It is interesting to note that Naim provides the power consumption (when switched on and not playing) for the Statement and not the 500 series. This is probably due to the fact that the Statement draws a lot more current when idle : 255 watts (55 watts for the NAC and 200 watts for the NAPs).

Hi Thomas,
From memory I think the 552 runs just about at the same idle consumption. ATB Peter

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Hi Ken,
The more I think about it an interesting experiment would be to see how the S1 would work with a nice front end a 250 DR and a nice pair of standmounts close to a wall, just sayin’…:thinking: Best wishes Peter