The UK's Next Prime Minister

Your politics (generalism) has got so disrespectful, nasty and petty - a tabloidisation of all political discourse.

Leo is prime minister of a sovereign Republic, a proud Republic celebrating the centenaries of our Easter Rising, War of Independence and civil war. One able to look forward, after constitutional conventions agree the wording of referenda, to a more inclusive future by agreement and consensus.

Then again maybe I’m too sensitive or else I’m getting soft…


I enjoyed a drink and a cigar with him in Ronnie Scott’s in the early hours - back when Ronnie was alive and still doing his half-time comedy act. We had a good discussion on the merits of Forest & Liverpool … happy days :grinning:

Boris Johnson, Jacob Reese Mogg, Michael Gove, Iain Duncan Smith in that order of ‘my’ preferences :slight_smile:

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As the order of execution for the harm they have done the country? You forgot Cameron.

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Cameron has already ‘done’ his time, and we are now talking about who will be our ‘next’ Prime Minister.

Jup - and Jeremy is lamenting all the time - according to his Bibilical example.

With respect to the earlier posts about cream, just remember it isn’t the only thing that rises to the top and floats…

In that event I think I’ll join the Mission to Mars .

Yep, these guys will compete between themselves on how best to inflict damages to the UK :slight_smile:

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