The Vintage Planes, Trains and Automobiles Picture Show

I can confirm you could lean the cbx. My mates brother, who didn’t know where the oil filler cap was on his car engine, was given a cbx 1000 in boxes in lieu of a debt. To give him credit he then rebuilt the bike with the help of my mate ( and later went on to buy a motorbike dealership). It was a superb bike and my one regret is not buying it from him when he sold it.

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I am sure people know but there is a guy called Alan Millyard (have a you tube search) and he does all sorts of crazy things with bikes. Probably best known for sticking a dodge viper in one… He also “joins” together Kawasaki KH engines … some cool stuff.


Yes, I remember seeing pictures of a straight 6 Honda. I’d probably be scraping the distributor cap on that one … :slightly_smiling_face:

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The Audi Coupe evolved quite nicely into this.
I had a Coupe in the eighties and tried to buy one a couple of years ago for nostalgia. Couldn’t find a decent one so settled for this quattro.
Not a daily driver, but used often enough


One of my lottery win cars in my fantasy collection!


Some grand entertainment at Snetterton today :grinning:


So couldn’t find a coupe, and settled for the quattro. Love it, great cars.

Wheel cocker…

And Bright Lights…


Very much not vintage but quite impressed by this Atlas arriving last night…


I live under one of the east>west BZZ light paths and get to see the A400’s (Atlas) overhead on finals at 2/3000ft on a regular basis, as well as the C17’s & A332’s.
The A400’s seem to be using Northolt quite regularly these days, either as in/out on the way to/from BZZ and ‘eastern’ Europe, or making in/out return flights.

PS: @Jamiewednesday
The A400 (ZM404) you photo’d at NHT last evening is now in Bermuda


At the other end of the size scale, a British Bulldog. With a fancy French Fopp.


That reminds me. A friend’s Bulldog should be approaching the end of its restoration about now.

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EE Lightning?

Most of us just take home the odd pen or pencil from work…


I suspect a touch too much of LAN OCD.
EE1’s on every branch of ethernet, daisy chaned EE8’s, now experimenting with an
EE6 on the incoming supply

For those interested, this is EE Lighning XR724, owned & in restoration by the Lightning Association at Binbrook, Market Rasen.

www(.)XR724 has all the info

You really don’t want to know what’s in my garage :slight_smile:

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I stand corrected, aps & thanks TRL, it is XR725,
XR724 is at the nearby Binbrook Heritage Centre

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Ooh… where?

I see your single piece of historic aviation and raise you…

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No mystique there! Just big collection. :wink:

And Moscow?

Try this

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