The Year 2020

2020 in China is the year of the rat - so anyone born from 27th January this year (to 11th Feb 2021) will be a rat, as is anyone a multiple of 12 years old. For those unaware, the Chinese year is based on the lunar calendar, hence the variable start date, and their horoscopes are based on the year of birth.

As a generalisation the Chinese are deeply superstitious people, so those born in the year of the rat may feel they have to follow the prediction* : You may be filled with a vague feeling of dissatisfaction even though things will go quite well. Clearly they are destined to be hifi fanatics!

(*Copied as permitted from )

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Yep, as interesting some of these OT posts may be … :slight_smile:

My original reason for posting is that 2020 just sounds so futuristic, well to me anyway. Probably because I like old stuff - I don’t have any cars made in this century, have valve radios and an 18th century clock.

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I wonder if the first year of King Richard ll’s reign (crowned July 1377) coincided with Betelgeuse exploding?

There is some speculation that it did, based on recently observed abnormal dimming of the red giant… Of course it is just speculation as not enough is known to be able to predict, so no-one knows whether it was about to happen 642.5 years ago, or might not yet have happened. But if it was in that first year of Richard ll’s reign we will see it in 2020!

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Do you mean failing to have the controlled winter burn offs and tree clearing around houses?

You’ve obviously been watching Fox News. They have been unable to carry out back burning due to unseasonable weather caused by the drought.

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I don’t watch TV news, I find it too negative. I was interested in what needed to be done, or needs to change (other than moving here :wink:).

Back burning would have helped but what they did need is to update some of the 30 year old trucks and gear the volunteers are meant to use. They could also got the military involved much early. They’re not trained to fight fires but they could have helped with logistics and food/medical assistance.

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Surprisingly close in many ways

It doesn’t look like 2020 is going to be the springboard for flying scooters…, at least looking at World Bank economic estimates, as global growth will have a modest pickup to 2.5% in 2020 amid mounting debt and slowing productivity growth…

Does the World have enough resources for mankind to deliver economic growth at 2.5% for ever, never mind >2.5% ?

More services, less physical stuff.

In other words, go to a concert and buy no hifi gear!

No, this is the problem at some stage I think we’ll need to change our expectations and our financial system.

Imagine if the likes of China continued at a growth rate of 10%, it would be a disaster.

This is the challenge our political leaders must face sooner rather than later.

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