Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Wishing you all the best and hoping for a thaw shortly


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I think I’ve broken my toe. :flushed:


Oops……strange little bits……when they go down……they seem rather necessary all of a sudden.



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Ouch, stubbed or tripped?

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Nasty. When I was a young teen I did ‘Kung Fu’ for a couple of years. Once, when practicing kicks in the bathroom mirror I ‘roundhoused’ the sink and broke my little toe. I remember it being extremely painful, so you have my sympathies.

Stupidity in my case. More ‘Way of the Wash-hand Basin’ than Way of the Dragon.



I stubbed it on the leg of a footstool.

It was down to the fact there was very little area for me to walk, due to my grandsons toys virtually covering the whole floor.

At least my wife found it very amusing. :slightly_frowning_face:


Chased (euphemistically) the storm Henk driven recycling bins down the Avenue.
Quite the community event. Many fellow hunters abroad.
Think one lid is over the river into the next county.

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Escaped the incessant raining with a trip to Kingston Lacy House to walk the woodland trail. First half of it no problem, the second half of it was totally waterlogged - an attempt to skirt round it had me stuck in a thick forest quagmire almost stranded.

Good exercise though for 3rd Jan !


I’d speak to people who specialise in CI stitching.

It might be an option, along with fitting a helicoil in the thread?

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If this is outside your skillset (from previous posts which I couldn’t even understand!) it must be a problem you’d rather not have!

All I’ve gifted myself over the festive period is a couple of RCD plugs.

The freezer was probably too iced up at the rim for it to fully close after we stuffed too much in a few weeks ago. I’m wondering if the exposed ice might have melted a bit and trickled down the front into the control circuitry.

Assuming this might have dried off I’m going to stick the freezer on an RCD plug - anyone know if this would trip before the consumer unit or is that likely to kick in faster? (A quick search suggests they’d both trip or the consumer unit would go first).

I’ve found someone who can do the work and can convert to long stud. :+1:
There will be no thread in the middle 6 bolt apertures (just an O-ring) as long studs will come up through the crankcase so the ‘repair’ has no stress on it other than being pushed flat against the cylinder head and holding a stud in place.
The outer 4 bolt apertures remain standard as this is fine for road spec.

Definitely outside my skillset and toolset. New cylinder blocks are available but are minimum £4.5k. :hot_face:


Sounds like a good result, and at least you spotted it before anything worse happened. :+1:

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We won £325 on the premium bonds today, which will take away the pain (ha ha) of an upcoming £700 dentist bill for a new crown.

Today was the first Pilates class of 2024. I felt so good afterwards. It’s a really nice form of exercise.


£200 last month for us which was a surprise.

£50 for me on the premium bonds which is good because last two months I have won nothing, not a sausage… I was beginning to wonder after having a run of a £100 or so each month.

Anyway £50 is a nice amount to spend on something.


I’ve done Pilates twice but have intended to give it another whirl.

The first time it was me and a male pal on a fitness drive (cycling to work etc) at the gym, maybe 15 years ago and we were the only blokes in the class and useless. We really didn’t fit in with the assembled regular ladies.

The second was maybe 5-6 years ago, I went alone and made the fatal mistake of sitting on one of the dozens of mats on the floor only to be reprimanded by a stern lady for sitting on her personal mat - I thought they’d been put out by the instructor, but apparently it was a BYO session despite many stacked at the sides. Went away with my tail between my legs.

More recently I’m bumping into so many people, male or female, who have maybe skipped a session of this/that to go to Pilates instead.

Have you ever considered Tai Chi? I have no experience of that but found some Qi Gong exercises on a DVD years ago to be very good (The Eight Treasures). Some were extremely simple and gentle, others I’d have never been able to do as a teen :laughing: without damaging my undercarriage!

I did Tai Chi when at university and really enjoyed it, even though we had to get up for the sunrise and don’t outside.

Our classes are part of our U3A, which is a wonderful organisation. It’s me, Steve, and 12 women and we all get along fine. We, of course, take our own mats. And the best thing is we get a fantastic teacher and it’s only £5 for the hour. A commercial class would be double or treble that.

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