Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

In the last 24 hours Mrs G and I have wandered from side to side bumping off walls, watch a dining room full of furniture come hurtling towards us and then retreat, only to make a second attack before running off again. We beat a hasty retreat before the third attack started. Also driven 200+ miles down a largely deserted motorway.

Put another way, we had a rough crossing of the Channel and Bay of Biscay, (Portsmouth to Santander), and then drove a good way into Spain on our way to the south coast for a while.


I had a call to tell me my gall bladder removal has been scheduled. Also that as my pre-op assessment was done at the Royal Free and the operation will be done at the Whittington 2 miles away across Hampstead Heath they will repeat the complete suite of blood tests, infection swabs, ECG that I had done in December rather than reusing those.


Best wishes

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Alphabethized all the records. It have been complete chaos in 2023.
Now I can find what my albums again.
Downside has to be that I need more shelves….
Could not fit the classical records. :frowning:

Phonosophie Bi Amp and Nap180 on top.


Gee Eoink hope everything is ok, take care.

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It’s good thanks Pete. I’ve got gallstones and they think that they triggered all the issues I had in 2022, so taking the gallbladder out to prevent any future problems.


Wish you all the best……they can be bloody painful, and just drag you down even if not painful.

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Wishing you a successful outcome, and a speedy recovery.


Hi Eoin hoping all goes well , you have been well and truly through the mill in recent years

When I had peritonitis , none of the doctors/surgeons believed their predecessor and all had to feel the exact point when the burst had occurred

best wishes



All the best for the op, are they hoping to do it with minimally invasive surgery rather than an open-op?

Unfortunately not, due to all the previous surgery and the stoma they’ve run out of places to put a keyhole, so it’s open.

I wondered if the previous problems might have made keyhole tricky, but at least you know the plan. All the best for the surgery.

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Home networks, don’t you just love them. We were having all sorts of problems last year and kept losing various Naim boxes from the app. After trying everything I decided to ditch the mesh and get a box standard wifi router. Enter the Nighthawk.

The Naim has been fine but our iPhones decided not to connect to the standard 2.4G, so we switched to the 5G and all was well, so we thought no more of it. Then the wifi printer started playing up. We tried everything, checked passwords etc, sat it next to the router etc etc. Nothing. It’s dead, we thought, and ordered a new printer.

Then a Tapo plug stopped working. The cogs in my feeble brain started working… Tapo can only use 2.4G, the printer only uses 2.4G, the phones now only work on 5G. It doesn’t take Columbo to work out that the issue must be with the network.

What would the helpdesk say? What would I say to someone on here who has a connection problem? Turn it off and turn it on again. Obvs!! So that’s what I did yesterday.

First test, the phones. They worked on 2.4. Then the Tapo. That worked too. The acid test was the printer, and much to my delight that worked as well. Hurrah.

It was by then too late to cancel the new printer, which was delivered by Amazon late afternoon. I therefore requested a return through the app and a collection by UPS was booked for today. No charge.

So at 10.30 this morning, UPS arrive and collect it. The driver was lovely. Amazon may be evil tax dodgers that are destroying high streets, but blimey, they were efficient. And I’m getting back the £168 I didn’t need to spend in the first place.


Removing the valves from the cylinder head. Tape around the tool is to prevent scuffing of the tappet bore.

Next i will be measuring the springs and valve stem for wear.


Christmas tree and decorations came down, quite correctly, this morning, with a little help and encouragement from Sade drifting through from the music room.

As for making their way back up into the loft, well that can wait for another day until my energy / enthusiasm returns … … …


After a month of washout, wonderful conditions at Stonehenge today…

Even better, getting buzzed by an Apache helicopter on the 3500BC Stonehenge Cursus !


Exhaust valves are nicely in spec. As are the valve springs.

Inlet valves are at the bottom end of tolerance so will be replaced. Most of them have lost 0.02mm. I can only assume that the exhaust valves are a harder material.


A bit of room reorganisation as we’ve always been a bit short of seating when the fam descend.

Built this IKEA two seater and moved the Eames and footstool to the bay.

The pink footstool was my wife’s late mother’s.



A good session scheduling holidays for the year ahead - nothing better in the dark dank dog days of January - a couple even booked. Things in the diary to look forward to. Drives home how fortunate we are to have the time, resources and (currently) health.

Highlights will be walking the Portuguese Camino from Porto to Santiago DC in May and Corsica Coast to Coast in September.

Don’t feel inclined to risk any third world long haul trips just yet. Would love to go back to Oz & NZ but phenomenally expensive and feel the need to stay for a good 6 weeks to justify the travel.


Arrived at our home for the rest of the winter. Be back in the spring. Busy setting up nas drive, Muso Qb and Apple TV. Oh, and moving our stuff into house, and having G&T while sat on the terrace watching the sun set.