Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

I’m sure you already know but it’s the responsibility of the driver to regularly check tyres/lights/fluids etc before a journey, especially a long one.

Tyres are 3 points each!

At least you have your car serviced unlike many EV owners who think it is not needed. :roll_eyes:

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I’ll always check the tyre pressure, washer fluid, oil and lights before a long journey, but the physical condition of the tyres, other than the tread depth, is somewhat harder and I’m not sure what I’d be looking for, unless it’s really obvious. Regarding lights, there are so many cars with only one front light that works, seemingly far more than there used to be.

Still the car is back and now on removal duties. It’s at times like this when we could do with something more spacious. Overall though, it’s the perfect size for us.

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As you are checking pressures you’d most likely see anything obvious: deep cuts, bubbles on the sidewall. A quick glance with a torch on the inside of the tyres is all that is needed, youd see any major issues.

Its good that you are checking stuff before your trip. Many people wouldn’t do any of those checks especially if the car is fitted with tyre pressure sensors.



A couple of years back we were on holiday in the south of France. We were alerted to a loss of tyre pressure and kept checking the pressures and adding air to one of the rear tyres. We had an Audi A7 at the time and were comfortable cruising up the Autobahn at 180 kph on the way there and back. When we got home we went straight to the dealer, who found a nail in the tyre. We had to leave the car there as it wasn’t safe to drive.

This was a few years back when I was riding to a meeting in Sheffield. I’d just come over Snake Pass and felt a ‘thump, thump, thump’ through the handlebars. I shifted position in the lane but it continued so i slowed right down and found a safe place to pull over. This was the reason for the thumping feel! :hushed:

I had a replacement fitted at the side of the road as it was clearly dangerous.

I complained to Continental’s UK distributor but got nowhere so I emailed the CEO in Germany and received a full refund.


We’ve got the boy moved to his new flat, which look a good few journeys to and fro, helped by our lovely neighbour and her larger car. We finished by about 8.30 and then walked down to Albert Road to eat. There is a Belgian place called Huis but it was full so we went to Haldi instead. We knew nothing about it and fortunately it was really good. It’s the first Indian meal I’ve eaten in a restaurant for absolutely ages. The only problem is that we didn’t finish until 10 and it took hours to get to sleep. Back in the day I could eat at 11 after the pub and then sleep like a lamb. No longer obviously.


Booked tickets for Eugene Onegin in Grand Opera House in September.


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Did the ‘Dutton Walk’ at Hinton Ampner House. 4 miles through ancient woodland and stretches of the South Downs and hardly a soul encountered.

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I had to have a CT scan (preparation for a possible operation). The nurse did the standard observations, the first in-ear thermometer didn’t give a reading, so she went to get another one. When that didn’t work I offered to take out my hearing aid, I felt a bit embarrassed.
Then I sat for 2 hours waiting for my cannula to be removed, the doctors had told me that they’d pass the scan to the appropriate consultant and I could go when it was done. Unfortunately the nurses didn’t get the same message and they were waiting for me to have a follow up with the doctors, but told me that they were waiting for the scan results to come through. So after a couple of hours I asked why it was taking so long and after a check with the doctors a very apologetic nurse left the front desk and removed my cannula.


That’s a bit annoying hope the results were positive though. I’ve got one booked for Friday week and the trouble is my veins are now so hard to find they have to use an ultrasound.


In general you’re asked to wait for a while with the cannula in once the CT is done just in case you feel unwell/faint or have a reaction to the contrast injection. Leaving the cannula in is precautionary for these reasons as you already have venous access should any IV treatments be needed. It is not unknown for people to wait a while and then leave forgetting they have a cannula still sited which then becomes a bit of a faff for them to return to have it removed.

You’d have to admit that’s quite funny but also maybe shows how unobtrusive your hearing aids are?

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Yes, but this was a genuine mistake. She spent all the time removing it apologising for my long wait.
And yes the hearing aid mistake was amusing.


Yes, sorry you clearly had a longer wait than you should have but no harm done - always tricky to know at what stage to query if you’ve been forgotten about!

Hi Eoink, I know from your previous posts here you had some medical issues in recent years - is this related to those or something new?

None of my business of course so tell me where to go if I’m being insensitive asking.

Wishing you all the best.



Nice walk along the beach made even better by seeing a pod of dolphins enjoying themselves.



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That’s lovely, and very “grounding” seeing such natural life in its’ natural environment just having fun.

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Seeing anything like this always has a very positive effect on me, couple of weeks ago we got to see a pod of whales less than 50ms off the beach. Made a what was a tough day just seem easier.


Thanks AC, there is a possibility they’ll be able to reverse my stoma, depending on the scan results and I suspect some scoping. So I’m now waiting to hear from the consultant.