Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

I lived in Brynsiencyn on Anglesey for a couple of years while at university in Bangor, so all these places are familiar, though in the distant past.

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That‘s easy for you to say; I couldn’t possibly find my way there because I wouldn’t be able to pronounce it, let alone spell it

Everybody on their phones?

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Sad isn’t it. Maybe Fartsbook is more interesting than the view? :roll_eyes:

I was more shocked at the horizon not being straight, and only seeing one woman in a Dryrobe.

I received an email from X yesterday, saying that there had been a suspicious attempt to login to my X account, with a suggestion to change the password and a link to do so. Being cautious I suspected an attempt to take over my account via the link. I therefore logged in to my account directly, and there were lots of warnings about suspicious activity, so the mail was genuine. I then got another saying that it had been logged into from Malaysia. So I changed the password and then decided to completely shut the account, as I’d not used it for ages and because X is owned by someone I am not keen on. How someone logged in I’ve no idea, as it had a strong password. Quite why someone would want to access my account in the first place is odd, as I’m hardly a top influencer.

We have a Netflix account. My wife watches films while i listen to music in another room. Netflix suddenly one day was all in Spanish…….account hacked by someone in Spain. Netflix duly sorted it out, and password changed. No idea how they do it?

It could be driven by Taylor Swift


I’ve now received an email from Spotify, saying that someone was trying to get into that account. I didn’t realise I had an account, but I do. Or did, because I’ve cancelled that one as well.


I got an odd one from Microsoft a couple of days ago with a one time passcode - I’d not requested one.

Just checked activity:

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5-6 miles walk on the Northern perimeter of the wider Stourhead Estate today - woodland trail towards Bruton, then road to Kilmington and return to Alfred’s Tower via Six Wells Bottom, with its 1470s water pump at the source of the Stour purloined in the 1700s from a Bristol church by the Hoare family.

Delicious blackberries sampled en-route.

Knackered !


Made croissants for the first time. The lamination process was difficulty. I will try again. And again.



Isn’t life too short to make your own croissants?

Although well done for having a go

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Life is too long not to make them. :wink:


We could say that about growing veg etc. The time invested, especially if it goes wrong is likely higher than buying in a supermarket but much more satisfying and relaxing.


Well, life’s too short to worry about whether you should upgrade the power supply, get new speaker cables, or fuses that cost an arm and a leg… :wink:
I think making one’s own croissants is a wonderful activity.
Life’s too short, period.


Walked along Cotentin’s north coast today. Saw a couple of seals.


That is very true. Hats off to all croissant makers out there. I spent four hours making a ratatouille the other day, and loved it.


Don’t forget ‘Blessed are the cheesemakers’!