Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Sold the Ovators today and I’m happy they have gone to a good home.
Long live the Ovators!


Bet you’ll miss them, I still miss my old Royds every now and then.

Let’s just say they served me well but it was time to move on. I remember when I first suggested you did the same a few years ago with your Royds. We had a bit of a laugh but you knew you had to let them go. You’re welcome. :wink:
Glad you’re doing well, btw.
Take care, Pete.


Got an email from the local council informing me of the upcoming events in all their venues.

Nothing there really takes my fancy.



Maybe it’s a Blur covers band.


Just stacked the last of the winter wood, 10 cube to get us through to end of February, then another 4 cube to be delivered for spring/autumn use.
Satisfying to look at the store full and ready for whatever the gods throw at us.


4 cu metres……just about did us yesterday, after flu and covid jabs


A friend of mine and I went to the PAD design show at Berkeley Square today. I checked my bag in, got the ticket and cheerfully said “Oh cool, 999”. The attendant pointed out it was 666 and laughed.
When I went to get my bag I asked a different attendant if I could have the ticket back. She looked at me as though I’d lost it, I said “Look at the number” which got a smile, she handed me my bag and the ticket saying “Here is your evil ticket”. And left the number attached to the bag as well for double effect. Dunno why but the two interactions cheered me up.


Today had its ups and downs. Had cleared the loft to enable the mechanical heat recovery ventilation people to come and replace the existing unit (dead after 17 years). It’s taken four years to get this far - the supplier is a bit hopeless but we’ve stuck with the original installer. 8.30 this morning five engineers turned up and asked where the new unit was. So I said I don’t have it… transpires it hadn’t been ordered :person_facepalming:t2:

On the plus side finally got the new doorbell installed just outside our very splendid new porch (which just needs painting inside to be completed):


I’ve been put on the low FODMAP diet by the hospital. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis over 30 years ago, and for quite a while it’s been in remission - with colonoscopies, blood tests and poo samples showing no active colitis. Yet I was still having problems, which can be very debilitating and were starting to affect our everday lives - we’ve cancelled days out, evenings out and even holidays. When we were in France recently I spent a couple of days laid up while Mrs HH went out.

When I last saw my IBD nurse, she said that I may have a touch of IBS, and referred me to the dietician at the hospital, who put me on the ‘official’ low FODMAP diet. I’ve been doing it for a week and already things are a bit better. Doing a normal poo is truly a thing to celebrate! I need to stick to the strict diet until late November, and can then start reintroducing banned foods to try to work out what’s causing the IBS. So no lactose, no gluten, no apples, onions, garlic and loads of other things.

It’s a bit daunting but I’m sure it will be worth it. I do love garlic, but while I can’t eat the real deal, I can make garlic infused oil and use that. Tonight we had gluten free pasta, with a tomato sauce, chilli, the garlic oil, and a jar of winkles. We didn’t have clams and the winkles have been in the cupboard for ages, ever since Mrs HH bought them by mistake. The other benefit is that the weight is falling off!

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Today I’ve been for a hearing test at Manchester Royal infirmary.

Following my radiotherapy and treatment for a swollen tumour, that presumably didn’t like being zapped with Gamma rays, my hearing dropped to nil. I couldn’t hear a 1kHz tone at 120db!

None of the doctors or audiologists (me neither) expected me to be able to hear anything ever again without a Cochlear implant and I’ve been waiting for an appointment to have this done.

In the meantime I’d started to notice incremental hearing beggining to return. Did you know household light switches make a clicking noise when operated? They haven’t for me for me since November last year! :hear_no_evil:

This was very gradual almost to the point of not noticing for a short while then realising I could hear a click when switching the bedroom light on, I stood there for several minutes switching it off and on again, listening to the click :crazy_face:
More noises started to creep in and last month I was making boiled eggs for breakfast and was startled by the noise of the electronic egg timer announcing the end-time.

A few weeks ago I managed to have a face-to-face conversation with my mate without have to use the speech-to-text app on my phone. It wasn’t easy and I had to concentrate, and he had to repeat himself a few times but it was a clear indicator that things had definitely changed so I got in touch with the team looking after me at the hospital and had a hearing test.

The black circles represent my previous test, the red ones are from today. The audiologist was genuinely excited and surprised by the outcome as this was not expected at all.
Sadly my speech discrimination test was a lowly 23%.
I shall be having a pair of aids fitted in three weeks time. :crossed_fingers:


That’s an amazing improvement, I’m really pleased for you.


How wonderful. Obviously things aren’t great, but to think it has improved. The body is a wonderful thing. I keep hoping my effectively useless left ear will miraculously start working but it never does. We just make the best of it. Let’s hope the next stage really makes a difference.


Great news, take care. :+1:

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Thanks all :smiling_face:
A Cochlear implant will disable any existing hearing permanently. If one then doesn’t like how the implant sounds then there is no going back.

So I’m choosing the safest route first and see how I go.


As people have said, good news.

Keeping fingers crossed for you.

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Not wonderful, so wishing you all the best & hoping you find the cause of the IBS & are able to eliminate it.

Abit of looking at the sky


Letting Zhukov out for a pre-bed pee I looked up.



Looks like a picture a pal just sent me!