Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

it is in my view unethical for a business to offer better deals to attract prospective customers vs what existing customers pay. What dazn did here to me is also unethical, as it takes advantage of those who don’t threaten to cancel.This business model needs to spiral down the drain.


Hi Graeme, had not realised you also have Covid currently - hope things improve for you all rapidly.

Best wishes.

Hi Graeme. I probably should have said that my chest was tight, rather than having difficulty breathing as such, and didn’t mean to be alarmist. Sorry to hear that you have it too; this version does seem to have a lot of symptoms. I had my jab last Thursday, so hopefully with that a the actual infection I’ll have a bit of resistance for a while. At least we both have it this week, as Mrs HH is off to Italy next week to visit her sister.

Hope that you both get better soon. Both Mrs DG and I have had Covid only once.

I got it back in April 2020 and struggled with it as it was the early days. Had to be admitted to A&E as took a bad turn. When the Ambulance came they tested my BloodOx and it was only 86%. Spent some time in Hospital on Oxygen, but when released, had Pneumonia, then issues for the following six months, mainly fatigue and balance. Basically it nearly did me in, but Mrs DG never caught it.

Mrs DG got it in late 2022. She works in a Care Home and they were tested every day before they start their shift. She tested positive and had to stay off until a negative result. However, she had no symptoms whatsoever and felt absolutely fine. Likewise, I never caught in.

You’ve got your new system to look forward to so the thought of that should make you feel better.

Take care.



Friends of mine have had the first dose of covid. He sailed through she is still suffering. Hope it’s not too severe and you’re back on your feet.

Also sorry about the post a few days ago, I’ve deleted it.

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I had awful fatigue but little else in the way of symptoms, it took me also quite a long time to recover.

The time I suddenly realised that this was way past the normal flu outbreak was when I went to the cinema to watch a live showing of a Wagnerian opera, and the cinema was open with the lights on and no-one at home.

Closed in New York to prevent CV 19 spread.

Today I booked for Die Walkure or as I like to call it Happy Families, 6.5 hours .

Funnily enough my friend doesn’t want to come


@Alley_Cat, @HungryHalibut, my apologies, I do NOT have Covid, but reading my post again, I can see how it was misleading.

should have been written “However, “I’ve got Covid” and “I’m having difficulty breathing”, does ring alarm bells”, because I was quoting/paraphrasing.


No worries Pete, I don’t even remember it. Covid has addled my brain.



Yesterday I replaced the rope on my 30 hour long case clock.

Once looped through the pulleys, stirrup and counterweight it has to be spliced to form a continuous loop - I’ve never done this before so it was a ‘cringe’ moment as I hung the 9lb lead weight on the stirrup. :grimacing: And hoped that gravity would be resisted.

For the next few hours I kept checking it was OK. All still seems well and I just need to build up the beeswax on the rope to stop it shedding dust into the movement.


I’ve just had my COVID and flu jabs. As I’m at a matinee of Godot in 3 hours and meeting old work friends for dinner in the evening I’m hoping I don’t get the run down feeling some people get.



Godot in three hours, so you are literally Waiting For Godot?

Sorry I couldn’t resist it, I have these urges :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

I was going to the dentist yesterday , got caught in absolute monsoon , clothes very damp, ended up with second bath of day as I was feeling very shivery , wondering if it was start of Covid .

Felt fine this morning

Enjoy the show and the meet up

best wishes


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Just had my two jabs this morning………the guy from the log company then rings to tell us would drop 4 cubic metres, this afternoon😬


Good luck. :grinning:


You share that with Amanda Holden who is cycling from Cornwall to London for charity.


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With my knee I did really well to get from the doctor’s surgery to the dentist


Yesterday I went to visit my younger brother who had a stroke 5 months ago and lives on his own in a flat 100 miles away from us. After an hour or so with him, just as I was thinking a cup of tea would be nice, there was a sharp knock on his front door. It turned out to be a taxi driver who had brought home the elderly resident of another flat after he had fallen heavily sideways into a puddle in the Waitrose car park, while waiting for this taxi. I went to see what was the score and the taxi driver promptly drove off, leaving his passenger leaning against the outer door of the flats, unable to move. There were several heavy bags of shopping on the floor next to him.

I hadn’t met this man before (let us call him Alan) and I was trying to get some idea of how I could help when another neighbour, still quite mature but much less elderly than either Alan or me, arrived on the scene. Let us call him Pete. So eventually Pete and I supported Alan, basically one each side, as he mounted four flights of stairs to his own front door. There was a lot of faffing about as he searched for his key and they both tried to get his front door open. Then more faffing as he looked for his phone. Eventually we got him into his bedroom, which was only a few feet from the front door. Then Alan insisted that we help him to get his wet coat, trousers and shirt off and some dry replacements on.

I had only known him for 20 minutes so helping Alan to get his trousers off and dry ones on was an unexpected diversion from what I had expected of my planned visit to my brother! Pete in the meantime, at the first mention of trouser removal, had rushed to busy himself taking the many bags of food to Alan’s kitchen. But he was back in time to oversee the shirt change, so I was let off that.

Anyway we left Alan to see whether he would be ok after a rest and told him to ring Pete or my brother if (realistically I thought when) he needed more help.

I heard subsequently that my brother called an ambulance a few hours later and Alan was kept in hospital overnight with a suspected hip fracture.

I wonder how he managed to get up those four flights of stairs, even with our help. I asked him at the time whether his hip hurt and he said “A bit, if I don’t stand still.” So it didn’t seem that serious, but that was partly because I didn’t know how well Alan walks normally. Anyway I am keen to know what happens next.


Gosh……living alone like that must be awful. A very good deed David👍


A very good deed :+1: indeed