Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Yes Erith Station is a few minutes walk down to the river then you are Thames footpath all the way to Woolwich and beyond or Erith Station back to London.

You pass by the Victorian Crossness pumping station. I normally include a visit to Maryon Park where the David Hemmings film Blow Up was filmed. As yet I haven’t ventured into Thamsmead to see the ‘lake’ location in A Clockwork Orange.

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I like Greenwich. There’s some cracking “street food” to be had in the market. I’ll be visiting the Maritime Mus. at some time to view the astronomer photos.



Four decades ago, we had a crew of visitors over from the west coast. One of them was a self appointed “lover of beer”, so we took him to a Gales pub for lunch. Several pints of HSB later…Mac was very subdued in the afternoon…… (a lovely chap though!)

High Speed Brain Damage, as my lovely wife calls it. It’s not the same now it’s no longer brewed in Horndean


In our first year of marriage, my wife & I did the “Gales Trail” of 90+ pubs, many and varied pubs, getting our “passports” duly stamped. Still got the tie/scarf and ceramic pint jugs somewhere.


It’s like watching an old episode of The Sweeney or Minder!


Went to the cinema and watched “One Life”.

A biopic about Sir Nicholas Winton MBE and the operation “Kindertransport”.

Very moving.



I visited two Hospitals in Milano, at the very opposite ends of the :metro: M2, to do pelvic floor exercises and to gather the results of the PET-PSMA scan, respectively. In the end I walked rather more that the prescribed daily 10,000 steps.
I can now probably add M1 to my pT3bN1R1PN1 medical name. Ready for a sequel of Star Wars. :robot:


Went to London to see The Motive and the Cue at the Noel Coward Theatre. Superb, especially Mark Gatiss as Sir John Geilgud.


Wowzer that is good going. Very impressive and very well done :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

A few weeks ago I got out of bed and had some serious muscle problems with my wretched knee.

It took about 45 minutes to get across the bedroom , since then there has been a gradual improvement and I thought it was all under control, until yesterday

A 100 steps would be doing well.

I had this before a couple of years ago and it resolved itself. This time it is on the bad knee

Best wishes



Best wishes to you too! Thanks!

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That’s a bummer. I’m sure you will get the treatment needed.


I hope it goes as well as it can Max.

That’s a bummer Ian, fingers crossed for a quick improvement.


You must come and join me and my walking mate.

Yesterday it was so wonderfully mild we went on a Duke of Edinburgh Award induction trial for the nearly dead.

We must have achieved almost a full mile along flat promenade.

Today neither of us could face getting out of our cars and had a chat through the vehicle windows.

But it was wonderful to be out in the almost warm. We both knew the next day consequences.


Reading your posts Nick, I always feel that I am reading about my own future, in just a few years time. It’s strangely compulsive!


Thanks Eoin, at the moment you are far more mobile than me

I don’t know where this came from, I was having a regular 3 kilometre walk in December and early January , then it all went pear shaped about three weeks go, gradually improved and then straight back to the Old Kent Road , I did not pass go and I did not collect £200


Hi Nick , I could barely get round a modest sized Co-op today

The cashier carried my groceries to the car

I remember my younger days running half marathons for fun, such is life

best wishes


PS This has happened before, the difference being the first time it was one knee, this second time it is both knees . I made a full recovery within three weeks first time round

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Let’s hope old timer. I read much of the retirement thread with their wishes and hopes for the future.
Just you wait I thought.

If there is no improvement in two weeks I will send Iris (sex indeterminate) the 20 stone physio therapist to sort you out.


Gee Ian hope you recover soon, take care. :+1: