Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours



Helped my son find the tools so he could construct a temporary run for the new chickens arriving tomorrow. Once we’re sure they’re acclimatised to returning to the coop at the end of the day we’ll let them range free.



Well done !!!


Brilliant news. Congratulations!

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Congratulations! Retirement is the best thing ever, as far as I’m concerned.


Went for an ocean swim, just realised I haven’t for a year or so.


That looks nice. Is your new place near the beach?

No we’re about an hour inland however we’re driving up to Qld to see family. Spent the night in Yamba NSW.

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My Bro-in-Law & I did the Jaguar factory tour in Brum, a couple of years ago. We were on the F Series line. Absolutely fascinating. Well recommended if you are a Jag owner.

Oh, and the sound systems being installed in the cars were Boothroyd Stuart Meridian…….


Every so often I am surprised…maybe even astonished.

Last Wednesday my wife decided to renew her (expired) passport. She toddled off to a well known Supermarket (begins with “T”), where she got her photo done and “on the system” in about three minutes. Came home and applied on-line, which took her about the same length of time.

The new one arrived this morning. Three days!


That’s reassuring, as we need to get ours next year. So you got it done at Tescos?

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Another recommendation for the passport photo done at T’s. All very hassle free and they can do the photos for non-UK juristictions too, where allowed. It’s a Max Spielmann concession.

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Can recommend the same method, we renewed Mrs Tonedeaf’s last year and it was very successful

Useful information :+1:

Sue went to the one at Bursledon, but Tesco Havant do it as well and would be closer for you. It’s sited the Timpson’s in-store booth, franchised by Max Spielmann. She paid £6 for the online code, and a few hard copies. They even offered to do the application on the spot.

She was well chuffed.


That’s really useful, thanks so much. What a lovely day it’s turned out to be. Perfect for a late afternoon walk. 9,000 steps.


As an overseas resident and the father of a child who needed a UK Passport renewal, the process was simple and practical. An iPhone photo is accepted and delivery of the passport to an overseas country possible (you have to pay a little more). The French are so far behind (I’m a French citizen too, like my child) where we need to be there in physical presence either in France or at an Embassy for both the deposition and recuperation.:man_facepalming:

At least something works in the UK :rofl: (Sorry, couldn’t resist).

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Five hour round trip to collect our new hens. Ok we did stop in Portadown for 40 minutes to visit a model shop (son bought two tanks) and Tim Hortons (I bought the coffee and donuts).
Got them home and installed in the coop where they stayed, only emerging at dusk for a first explore. They then set about roosting on some rocks in the corner of the run and had to be manually put to bed for the night.
Grey hens, against a grey coop, at the end of a grey day… Hopefully get some photos tomorrow.



You’ll be after a floating duck lodge next!

Whilst picking up the hens I did spot some rather cute looking little ducks… Already have the pond for the geese…


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