Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

I guess you only need one of the other!

We’ve had roosters in the past. They make life interesting as they try to assert themselves at the top of the pecking order, even over us humans.
Just want some gentle girls, and their eggs of course.



Are they a specific breed, the colours are amazing.

They’re a cross (hybrid) of a Blue Plymouth Rock (paternal) and a Barred Plymouth Rock (maternal). Chap who breeds them calls them “Bluebelles”.
Suspect Mrs Willy has selected them as they’ll color match the geese.



They certainly are a lovely colour.
Will you get eggs without a rooster? (question from a chicken numpty :laughing: )

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Yes, they still lay eggs even without being serviced by a rooster. Usually one of the hens will step up to the task and mounts the others in a mock-roster servicing. The pair of (female) geese we have take turns in mounting each other in egg laying season.



I’ve been for the results of my MRI which shows that the tumour has swollen, likely due to the radiotherapy. The doc said the nerve may be stretched and no longer firing hence why I can hear nothing at all.
I’m due another injection in the eardrum :nauseated_face: on Monday and if that doesn’t work he has an another option to get the swelling down.


Have a set of 3-way (switches) lights in the hall – one of the switches became ineffective i.e. whether up or down, the lights wouldn’t work – and the cabling for all this is buried in wall conduits and under 12’’ of fluffy in the loft.

So, undid 2 of the 3 switches, all cabling secure – switched the switches and eureka, all good again. Result. Them gremlins again :grin:


Time to replace the car’s modem sim…

Fitted new sim… failed to activate, suspected it might be due to us living in a bit of a mobile not-spot so drove around a bit with no joy.

Tech support chat suggested trying a phone for initial activation… rummage through the ‘this will come in use drawer’ to find an old apple 3g phone which will take the size of sim required by the car… phone rejects sim as locked to another network…

chat to old network, won’t unlock phone as i cannot remember its number from 15 years ago and I had factory reseted phone before placing in the ‘this will come in use drawer’ so they could not verify who I was regardless of giving them sim and imie numbers, old networks bod suggested taking it to store…

Travelled to store… same issue… asked that if i bought a new ‘pay as you go’ sim could I then request unlock and also would i gain the priority event ticketing that the network offers… yes they said, purchased cheapest sim to get ticket offers and installed in phone… requested unlock of phone online…rejected as no calls had been made… made a few calls on old phone and requested unlock again.

Took advantage of priority tickets for a couple of gigs only to discover that said tickets required an app that was not available for such an old phone… installed app on my normal phone and transferred tickets… confirmed tickets available on daily phone.

Ordered usb charging cable for even older nokia mobile in case apple 3g phone can’t be unlocked.

Still waiting on unlock request for old phone to try out activation of car’s new sim.

And they promised us tech ‘would just work’ on Tomorrow’s World :rofl:


Went for a somber walk



Sorry but can you explain what that is?

Pete the second photo shows a commemorative plaque with a rather sobering explanation. :+1:

Yes that’s obvious but I can’t read it from that photo.

might be a lot easier if an effort was made to describe the photos and the location, context is everything in a photo

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Admittedly I am guessing via google

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Went to Solihull a few years ago for the same. I thought I knew how to drive a Landrover off road !!! an incredible day out the best part is I went with the company chairman and he paid which was an added bonus.

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I’ve done three half days at Skipton and a half day somewhere in the midlands (can’t remember where) but doing full day today and it’s great :+1: Lovely weather too

I handed my notice in yesterday, in 3 months time I will be retired.

Happy days!