Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Thanks, Never tire of it and it changes all the time!!


Southwell Minster

Wandered around an empty Southwell Minster, after an event. Stunning.


After the big annoyance received with the Nait50 and silly solution they proposed me, had a go in the medieval village of Castell’ Arquato on the Hills south of Piacenza


No hedgehogs last night. Perhaps this other visitor had something to do with it.


I received this email from one of my neighbours first thing this morning:


Can I ask a quick favour from you, please?

I’m unable to speak over the phone due to serious throat pain caused by laryngitis. Please let me know once you receive this email.


How would you respond?

Don’t . It’s a scam!

Having spent three nights on the coast of Cyprus in Neo Chorio, we have now just driven to 1100m up in the Troodos mountains to spend 4 nights here. This is our hotel and yes that is a swimming pool in the middle sticking out!

The view from our bedroom:

Also from our bedroom this is the incredible cantilevered building built by the Marathasa Winery in 2022. Definitely hiking up for a tour and tasting


Well, it was 8 am and I was worried about him, so I replied, and got this:

‘Thanks for the response. I need to get an Apple gift card/iTunes for my niece, who is diagnosed with stage 4 mesothelioma cancer. It’s her birthday, but I can’t do this now because I’m currently out of town. I tried purchasing it online, but unfortunately, I got no luck on that. I was wondering if you could purchase it at any nearest store around you. I’ll reimburse you; let me know if you can handle this.

Awaiting your kind reply



Obviously it is a scam, though he does have a niece, who is a police officer and who also got the email, along with everyone in his address book.

The mail came from his pukka address so clearly his email has been taken over. It seems that a week ago he got an email from Talktalk telling him that he needed to change his login details. Which he did, presumably in response to what must have been how it all started.

I know I’m silly but the initial email was vaguely plausible.

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If he is a close neighbour I’d have went to see him.
Cuts out all the doubt and does a good turn too. :+1:t2:


A friend of mine had her contacts hacked and every single one of them received a message asking them to reply to confirm if her email was still working. I got one of those.
I clicked on the sender’s name and the email was completely different. I decided to send her a text asking her if she’d sent me that email and I wasn’t surprised when she told me that others had received the same email. Unfortunately a couple of them responded to it and were advised to change their password.
Watch out!

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Nigel you are caring not silly.
One aspect that you may not have considered, is that whoever has originated this email, has now ascertained that your email address is valid and active.
Good advice in the previous post beat me to it. Certainly change password and maybe even acquire an additional email account or two, to widen your options / protect your privacy.

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HH – plausible enough that a cousin of mine (who should’ve been more aware!), bought Amazon vouchers for £200 – although I think Amazon managed to unwind the transaction in time.

Some BT e-mail ‘contact books’ were accessed many years back (inc. mine), with similar e-mails spoofed AIUI.

I’ve been to Lakeland let’s see what dust we can find?


Ideal for those Naim crevices

A local walk to clear my head :slightly_smiling_face:

Somebody went to a lot of trouble to do this.

Sadly humans managed to spoil some parts.


Litter in the UK is an utter disgrace, the absence of litter in those Cyprus shots above delighted me.


I would be suspicious that the person did not send it.

My Facebook account has been cloned.

I would pop round and see him


Scams are now becoming very convincing that it’s scary.



After six weeks my knee is still thoroughly and miserably knackered , the anti inflammatory , non steroidal cream has made my leg look a sixteen year old with acne vulgaris , and to quote Douglas Adams I feel like a military academy - bits of me keep passing out .

On the plus side I had finally got hi-tec with super fast broadband , in the last three months since it collapsed I have had to rely on music via the Satellite Dish , this barely gets a mention - and whilst not a patch on R3HD is still I think acceptable

Mrs Duck and I went for a hike in the Troodos mountains in Cyprus today. It was ‘only’ 12km but there was 660m of ascent/descent so a pretty challenging walk. We have been walking in various parts of Europe for decades but this was one of the most spectacular walks we have ever done. 3 photos below all taken from the same vantage point at 1600m. The top photo shows the Northern coast of Cyprus, the middle shows Mount Olympos and the bottom shows the Southern coast of Cyprus and you can just make out Limassol. So we were high enough to see both the Southern and Northern coasts from one spot (about 100km)!

Plus lots of lovely closer views like this