Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Glad you’re enjoying it, CD. Small villages are great for good food, day trips and the locals are ever so friendly. If you have time try places like Kakopretia and Pedoulas up the mountains are well worth a visit.
Look out for sunsets on the south west coast just off Limassol, Pissouri, etc…


First time in Cyprus and loving it - will definitely come back. Have driven through Kakopretia and Pedoulas and both look wonderful. Currently staying in Kalopanayiotis which is just the most extraordinary village


Beaches, back lanes and beers around Salobreña and Playa Granada. Life is easy at the moment.


I’ve never had a hotel room where you could light a real fire in the room so had to give it a go


Out for lunch today, on our hols, took a lot of resisting, but resist we did!!

And out for a drink last night, opening evening of a new bar.

We have been watching it rain.
Rain like a pissing cow, to coin the local expression.



The river has burst its banks

Some friends are in Valberg (1hr, 1700m) for the weekend. (I couldn’t find dog-friendly accommodation.)
But it seems as though they may be snowed in for today…

But the rain has stopped, finally, and the sky is clearing so I am going for a run.


Il pleut comme vache qui pisse. Strange you mention that, one of my friends wrote it on our pétanque WhatsApp group last week.

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Made bread. Took almost 24 hours.


Today I won €4.8m. Or maybe not. How could I take money from someone who doesn’t know when to use capitals?


I’ve forwarded a few rather unpleasant emails here today:

I got one from the US State Department recently suggesting I had millions they want to transfer. All I had to do was send all my details (including banking), but the mail address was a Hotmail account.


I regularly get reminders ( that look very close to the originals) about my TV license, that seemingly come from Italy .

I worry for any old person getting similar, the first time I got one , I was so concerned that I checked my bank account to see that payments were going thru ok.:ok:

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It’s alway in the web and email address most of the sht I get the name of the clown doesn’t appear in his/hers email address and/or the company or organisation they’re pretending to be from.

Mrs Pete got done for a $80 before Christmas, Peter Alexandra pjs are popular here and she got a text saying they were on sale. Unwisely she entered the via the text, after spending the money she noticed that nothin matches and she was coned.


The one I received yesterday, which the screen shot showed, was just so obviously a scam, and was quite amusing. Firstly it’s from someone different to the person who signed it, and most importantly why on earth would someone want to give me millions!

I only get about one scam email a fortnight, which I imagine is quite low, and a similar number via text. Some of them are really very well done and I can see how people fall for them, especially when they live alone and don’t have someone else to check with.

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I can get up to 5 or 6 some nights a business email address leaves you exposed to lots of opportunities to be scammed. Like you said some are so funny I can’t believe anyone would get caught. Then there’s those that you have look twice they’re so well done.

I just ignore them all.

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Mrs AC’s octagenerian mother recently got a letter from British Gas advising they were invoking legal recovery processes for non-payment.

Apparently the billing/communications were being sent via email - particularly odd as she doesn’t have broadband or use email.

I could not log on to my BG online account for over 18 months during the pandemic despite many lengthy phone calls and assurances it would be fixed within days.

Several banks/card providers have unilaterally switched me to paperless statements over the last year or so - annoying when they use feeble excuses such as ‘we’re having difficulty producing paper statements currently’.

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Where do you think Mr Trump gets his election funds from?

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Discovered Golden Sheep Coffee. We like Colombian and are really please with this one - I’d go as far as to say the best we have tasted. Not cheap but worth it. Visit the page about the farmer.


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Made it to 67 today, had this lovely cheap Portuguese fizz. Easy off dry, gentle like Vinho Verde, and low alcohol, so had two bottles.


Happy birthday :+1: