Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Not great news there Ian, danglies indeed. I hope you can get it resolved as best you can.

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Thanks Mike,

Not good , but endeavouring to persevere



That’s a bitch Ian.

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Sorry to hear that Ian. Hope they get on to it soon and you can get back out on those hills.

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Gee, get those knees fixed however make sure they know what they’re doing. Knees definitely affect your hip.

Don’t do both knees at once, take care.

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We once had a big fancy Sage machine that took up half the kitchen, but it became a bit of a pain so we sold it. We usually drink coffee made in a French press, or Cafetière as us old folks call it. When we fancy an espresso, which isn’t that often, it’s time for the Bialetti. It doesn’t have the crema of a high pressure machine but it’s very tasty nevertheless.


Buggered up my right eardrum whilst using headphones at too high a volume whilst playing my drums. Let’s hope it’s not permanent, but it’s been two days now… :frowning:

Fingers crossed Mike.

I went through a period of collecting these stove top machines - I guess I have about 10 or so. I love their simplicity and honesty. I’ll post a pic at some point.

Full disclosure though, I rarely use them and have a Miele bean to cup machine that does most of the leg work.

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I’ve had a couple of those the only contortions on my face is laughing at them. :wink: :rofl:

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Been out with better half exploring more of the back lanes in the Salobreña/Motril delta. Also encouraged a pair of mating amphibians to get off the road lest they get squished. Then the obligatory recovery ale and tapas.


I was outside cutting the grass (moss) at the front of the house when one of the neighbour’s lads walked by. I asked him what interesting things he’d learnt at school today. After thinking for a moment he said “Blues music”.
I said ”That’s exciting, so did you learn about the indeterminate third and flat fifth or sharp eleventh?” “No”, he said, “just about the musicians”.
“Ah OK”, I said, “who’s your favourite blues artist that you’ve discovered so far?”
He replied “Bob Marley”.

The curriculum must have changed a bit since I studied music!


Kids nowadays eh. Different when I was at school.



It has Diminished. :wink:

Locked my missus out by leaving the keys in the door lock. Of course I can hear nothing even if she is battering on the door.

She wasn’t best pleased. :japanese_goblin:

Trying to find a doorbell with a remote receiver that flashes is easier said than done. Most plug-in which in our home is of no use for ‘seeing’. I’ve think I’ve found one on fleabay so I’ve asked if I can have more than one receiver.

Busy day today. Walked to my Pilates class this morning, had lunch, my obligatory afternoon nap and then a walk from the house, calling in at the pub on the way back. Over 18,000 steps and now I’m a bit tired, so it’s good that it’s Mrs HH’s turn to cook dinner. She’s done 18,000 steps too, but she’s only 59 so she has more energy!


Lifted the bells one-by-one in the next village’s church tower to refurbish and regrease the bearings. Not been done since 1956 according to the records.
The bells certainly ring a lot better now. I’m shattered!


I’ll bet the bells go like the clappers now :wink:


Just before lockdown dearly beloved was referred to LA disability support by a hospital occupational therapist, due to hearing loss and limited mobility, for vibrating/visual doorbell, phone, smoke alarm repeaters. Of course it needed a home assessment and lockdown put paid go that. Now, there is apparently limited funding and they referred us to RNID Conavans. I admit I cannot see exactly those items quickly on their website, but it might be worth asking?

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Appreciated, I shall take a look :+1: