Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Haven’t looked at the details, but an Amazon search for 'visual doorbell for the deaf’ turned up these sort of things:

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Why does everyone spell pilates with a capital P?

We spell yoga, gym or even training without using a capital. Seems everyone does Apple even tried to capitalise it while I was typing.


Good question, the answer is probably here:

Simply the normally capitalised surname of Mr Pilates :grinning:


Last Saturday evening eight of us men had a tapas meal in a local restaurant as our wives’ book group had a meal in one of the houses and men were banned for the evening. This is something that happens about monthly.

This time though, Covid has again raised its head. Three of the eight of us now have Covid and we are waiting to hear the test result for a fourth. So far I am negative. It’s unwelcome to be reminded of the whole Covid testing and waiting out the incubation period malarkey.


Covid raised it head here as well, know a lot of folk who have had it over the past few months. I’m a little cautious as my immune systems are a little compromised right now. The only saving grace is it doesn’t seem as dangerous as it has been and recovery is reasonably quick.

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Thanks, second from the left looks like the type I want. :+1:

I hadn’t though to check Amazon.

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Ordered :+1:

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Wandering around a gallery today, my wife was quite taken by this piece of sculpture. I have to say it has a certain “liberating” feel to it…


I went to my local Naim dealer in Bath 300 launch event yesterday the local Naim rep carried out the presentation.

I left te dealer just after five o’clock which meant I was able to catch the six o’clock bus home or so I thought ??

The display indicated that the six o’clock bus should arrive just after seven o’clock !!!.

I went accross to Bath Spa Train station and caught a taxi in this instance a Tesla.

Well having spent forty years plus working in the garage/transport sector starting on the spanners and working up through the ranks.

In this period I have been in and driven more cars than I care to remember but I cannot recall the last time I rode in a car that was this uncomfortable with so much transmitted road noise.


Is it meant to be a sculpture of Willie Carson?

Could be, or Dik Francis


It’s The Angel of the City (L’angelo della citta) by Marino Marini, cast in about 1950 according to the Guggenheim. The description does not suggest that it is of anyone in particular.

10/10 David

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Google knows everything…

On the Guggenheim website it explains the nature of the sculpture which seems to have been one of many the artist made.

I’m currently in the Novotel in Coventry, because I’m doing the Photography Show at the NEC, before going back home for our Ruby Anniversary on Sunday.

And I’m using my iThing to watch the All England Badminton Open Championship (at the Birmingham Arena). My Sis is there, but helping behind the scenes rather than competing - she plays in the “old buqqers” divisions these days.

So I’m sitting in the restaurant waiting for what turned out to be a very fine Greek Salad, when the receptionist wanders over, “Did you say your name was C***** M*****?”. “”Yes”, says I. “A lady left a present for you”, and proffers a carton of Heidsieck Blue Top bubbly and a card.

Nice one, Sis!


The hint of autumn in the air this morning made our morning walk much more enjoyable.


After eight weeks of virtual immobility I went for a swim, instead of an hour only managed 30 minutes before my back gave me serious discomfort, but I did it.

Every journey starts with a small step forward


Definitely it’s just one step at a time, good luck. :+1:


I thought you had no hair :smile::smile::smile:


It’s a wig :grin: