Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Went to the (very comprehensive) Rothko retrospective at the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris.
Rather surprised that the entire Seagram Four Seasons/Tate room works are allowed to travel, and the room was recreated exactly.

A tortured soul.



God I wish I was there fantastic works, I’m very envious. :disappointed:

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I think I’ve managed to perforate my right ear drum.

Good news is, the condition isn’t permanent and should heal within two months, which I look forward to because at the moment, listening to music is excruciating; not physically painful, but weird and unpleasant.

Oh well.

Life? Don’t talk to me about life

Well that art looks like something I’d be capable of.

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That’s good news that it isn’t permanent, hopefully you recover well within 2 months.
Take care.


I love Rothko’s work.


Off you go then.

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This quote is rather telling:

“I would like to say to those who think of my pictures as serene … that I have imprisoned the most utter violence in every inch of their surface”

Which makes the contemplation of them a somewhat different experience!

So much work has gone into the exhibition, I would imagine it is travelling, although it will need a very large gallery, as the Fondation LV is big, and - apart from a couple of permanent pieces, and a few Giacometti sculptures (with which Rothko planned some paintings to be shown) - this show took over every room.


The Loius Vuitton is a great place. We walked there from the campsite in Bois de Boulogne a few years ago. There wasn’t an exhibition on but the building itself is wonderful, and the restaurant was good too. It was Mrs HH’s birthday if I recall correctly.

I love Rothko’s paintings and to see so many together must be really something.


It’s on for a couple more weeks in Paris.
Worth a Eurostar I’d say…

You should be talking to Sotheby’s.

When I get a spare 5mins I might just knock up a couple

This is not art to my eyes and I can’t appreciate it on any level. There is nothing of any artistic merit here in my opinion but I’m willing to be educated if you fancy it.


The problem with those kind of statements is it’ pays no attention to the fact that the artist thought of the idea first. Anyone can just copy. These are beautiful works in the flesh but they’re also part of a national treasure.


I once sat in the Rothko room at the Tate Modern. The best way to describe the experience is that it was: profound.


I’m commenting on my view through my eyes. Regardless of the history to my untrained eyes it’s not very artistic. I appreciate they might have a presence when in the same airspace but from my viewpoint they’re nothing special. I am an uncultured swine though so maybe it’s that.


A small step forward doesn’t sound like an ideal start to a swim to me Ian.

Seriously, hope things are improving for you.

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Love, love, love Rothko.

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Hope things improve for you, having had nasty two months I cn fully empathise with the time limits involved

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