Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Up the great north road to stay in Yorkshire with old chums. Stopped at Clumber Park for a lovely walk around the lake - the highlight of which was watching a pair of Great Crested Grebes doing their courtship dance. Not my pictures needless to say.

Like that old Mud dance where two of you put your thumbs in your belt buckle and nod violently either side of your mate. Only non sporting KO I’ve ever had - after a belly full of snakebite my caring sharing mates rolled me off the dancefloor and poured beer on me to revive me.



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It’s a dirty job but someone etc etc :wink:

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Fingers :crossed_fingers:


Weaned myself off eight painkillers a day , managed to tidy the sitting room and most importantly managed to walk round the garden centre unaided and without masses of pain .

Finished my email to the PHSO about Sport England…


My wife and I along with a couple of friends made a trip over to Vashon Island. It was a cool, damp and overcast day as can be seen in the photo below.

The purpose of the visit was to visit ‘The Oscar the Bird King troll’

A fun day that started with a coffee and muffin after arriving on the Island. Then finding the Troll on the Island and afterwards a wonderful lunch at a local eatery.

More information regarding the Danish artist working with recycled materials to create the trolls can be found [here] at (

Life is Sweet!


I did nothing remarkable in the last 24 hours, so I’ll contribute with what I am going to do in the next…

I’ll have my fourth session of radiotherapy for the remaining prostate tumor cells, which had reached 4 lymph nodes on an iliac artery according to a PET-SCAN on Jan 30.
I’ll have to go daily Mon to Fri for 25 times more, ending at the end of April. Doctors strongly advise about having parallel (lifelong) hormonal therapy but I am doubtful - or, rather, I am simply not having it.

All the staff is friendly and always in good spirits, and I am too. My body is young according to doctors and the cells are moving fast but I am not worried; and surely I have no interest in becoming a, say, 85 years old sod with swollen breast, chemically castrated, with osteoporosis, inclined to tears and depression…

So come what may, I’m ok!


Which doesn’t keep you from expressing judgments… :slight_smile:


Good lucky, hopefully you’re in good hands and have the support of family and friends. :+1:


Thanks! And my own, which is not secondary… :+1:

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Best of luck

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Max, It’s sounds like you are approaching it with the right spirit too…hope all goes well…and enjoy your beautiful home and music each and every day :sunglasses:



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Yesterday afternoon I participated in a Naim 500 event. These type of things are not that common around here so I was pleased that I spotted this opportunity. The dealer and the distributor had done a good job setting up the system so it was indeed a pleasant hour and a half although the music played was not mostly my normal cup of tea.

NAC552DR // NAP500DR // ND555 // Super Lumina // Dynaudion Confidence 60

Bassan bass traps & Diffan Air diffusers


My very best wishes

You are certainly showing fortitude and resilience

Best wishes



All the best with your treatment Max.

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That is such good news Ian, delighted to hear it.


Dear MaxBertola,

I’m sorry to hear about the very trying treatment and difficult choices you have ahead. It all sounds very hard. There’s not much that any of us out here on the forum can do except to offer you our best wishes and support.

Like others who have been unwell recently, you show commendable courage and resilience. Keep it up! I’m sure that a positive attitude in the face of adversity can help in sustaining you in the weeks and months to come.

You can count on support and positive vibes from your fellow music fans on the forum.

Best wishes,

Brian D.


Thanks Eoin, it started with eight prescription strength pain killers and NSAID cream a day and is now to four ibuprofen with no NSAID cream

It must have been a massive tear, am now walking without a stick or needing a trolley for support in the supermarket

Hoping you are well also

best wishes



I went through a similar series of Radiotherapy sessions.
My cancer is still in remission but as loins are being gird to enter my 85th year do not be hopeful that you might not reach a similar age.

Was it Bette Davis who claimed that old age is not for sissies? True but it is still a fun adventure.