Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Pleased you seem to be improving.

I have managed to put a tear in my gum which has become badly infected.

Dentist could not imagine how I had managed to injure myself in such a fashion.

Amoxicillin for a week. So I shall not be venturing to far from the toilet.


I remember when I was a child and my mum took me to Brighton. We were sitting in Churchill square when a street entertainer set up right in front of us and gathered his crowd. He took some wine glasses from his bag and announced that he would chew them up and - I still remember this over 50 years later - “the majority of which I will swallow”. He did his act, which was very worrying to watch, especially when he’s right in front of you and you are about eight years old, got his cheer, collected his coins, and then picked up a bucket that was on the ground next to me, opened his mouth and a flood of blood and chewed up glass poured out. Whether he really did swallow the majority I don’t know. For some reason Nick’s story reminded me of this, and also presents a possible solution to the ‘how did I do that?’ question.

All the best, pal. You are not alone.

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Thank you, like your dentist I couldn’t imagine how I managed it . I got out of bed and it took 45 minutes to cross the room . The leg had gone completely

Eventually saw doctor who asked bluntly which knee do you want replacing first, the last time I had surgery I caught a massive infection - and am in no hurry to have elective surgery

Our vicar used to say, growing old isn’t for wimps

Seems she was right

best wishes


Perhaps the gin bottle if it empties itself too quickly but never a glass.

Some of those street entertainers I used to watch in Covent Garden were so unbelievably clever.

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:pray: :slightly_smiling_face:

Spent the last 48hrs dodging the weather, specifically a phenomenon here in Spain known as Calima. A strong wind with much Saharan dust, lightning and thunder storms. Air quality is “unhealthy/very unhealthy”, and there is a danger to life and property. Hatches are well and truly battened down while we’re watching the lightning show with a glass of wine!

Air quality map for our region.

Yesterday’s dust laden air. We can usually see a town and the Mediterranean down there somewhere.


Remember the sand storms from the Libyan desert when living in Malta ,

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My Dad did his National Service in the RAF in the 40s.

There was a bloke in his intake who used to eat the light bulbs and nick their razor blades and, eat them too.

He was always being taken to see the MO and eventually was medically discharged.

Afterwards, they did hear that he was sectioned.

To end on a positive note, after Dad had finished his National Service, he was called back up as a Reserve for duty during the Queens Coronation in 1953 and was on duty down the Mall.



Yes, but other than 4 months of continuous rain, surely you would feel better & safer at home?

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Razor blades, blimey. We had a boy at school who liked to eat the heads of the locusts when we were dissecting them in biology. He’d go round the class and we’d chop off the heads with our scalpels and give them to him. Yum yum.

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And you wonder why you don’t have any friends. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Sorry, I don’t follow that one.

I would just like to say to Pete and Nigel that our farm shop used to sell locusts.

I am not sure William and Kate bought any , and yes I do mean that William and Kate

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Best wishes for the treatment, Max

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Just had my fourth session, I feel fine and all is ok so far!



Good news

All the very best


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It was an attempt at humour and followed on from another thread that’s all. I certainly didn’t or wasn’t trying to be mean.