Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Indeed - raised Trops also caused by renal dysfunction and sepsis but in the absence of those the old ticker needs a bit of an MOT


Don’t mention sepsis. A friend of ours died from it very recently. She was a GP and still didn’t spot the symptoms. All very distressing.

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Very sorry to hear about Mrs HH’s chest pains and admission, but at least she’s in the right place and can be observed/monitored for a couple of days and undergo any investigations considered appropriate by the senior medics once they’ve reviewed her.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Mrs HH.

Best wishes to Mrs H.

Fingers crossed. Sounds like she is in good care though.

All of us out here are thinking of you and Hilary, Nigel. Keep up the good work on her behalf. It’s a good thing that you are there helping look out for her.
Best wishes from both of us



Sepsis is a real concern anyone going through chemo is at risk, I have to carry a card alerting emergency responders of the danger.

Hope Mrs HH is home safely soon and all is ok, take care.


Yes, there are a good few people going through a lot of crap at the moment, your good self included. All we can go is hope for the best.


Some stylish garage wear today.

Yeah I know it’s a bit steptoe-ish but these rope belts probably sell for 100s at the Trafford Centre.

Granada engine getting ready for cylinder head to be removed.

Off with its head!

Yep, the headgasket had gone. Leaks on every cylinder but no4 was the worst.


And @Pete_the_painter .
My parents had very rough luck regarding children dying. We buried my older brother when I was about 24, he was 28, after a hit and run car crash. Then we buried my older sister when she was 56, she had cancer.
Luckily for him, my father died about 4 years before my sister, so he didn’t bave to live thru that. My mother, however, had to bury two of her children. Neither of them ever got over it.
My wife and I looked after my mother till she died at 96yo. I was despararely trying to outlive her so that she wouldn’t have to bury her third child.
Some families are just unlucky with certain things like this happening. Christmases have sucked for a good many years now.
Mais, c’est la vie … some people have worse issues.


I never mentioned the grsndchild in my reply cause losing a child and grandchild is a thought I can’t comprehend, not sure how you can recover but we do. George Harrison summed it up life goes within you and without you.

My heart goes out to your parents and other who’ve endured the same pain.


Good morning Nigel,hope all was well last night and you both had a quiet and restful night’s sleep?

Best Wishes


Met someone for lunch to discuss football pitches and the politics of people not keeping their word.

I parked the car at the furthest end of the car park and. Walked to the end of the high street, and back again.

Not of bad at all afterwards, very small walk but in comparison to January and February really good.

Start physiotherapist visits on Wednesday.



Best of luck, sounds like it’s heading in the right direction. :+1:

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Mrs DG and myself went up to Warwickshire for the weekend.

Called into Kenilworth Castle, which was great

Then into Stratford on Avon today to visit Shakespeare’s house.

2B or not 2B is the pencil.



Mrs HH is back home. The cardiac specialist doesn’t think it was a heart attack, but they have given her blood thinners and are booking her in for a CT scan of her heart. Once she got back - the hospital paid for a taxi - she had a shower and then did some gardening. I cooked her a nice dinner and now she’s washing up.

Thanks so much to those who have wished her well, it was really kind of you.


Good to hear and take care.


Good news, glad all is ok. :+1:

Great news.


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You’re most welcome. We all glad that she’s home and reassuringly well.

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