Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Went to the cinema, a slightly further walk than yesterday, no real problems except that I had to grab a guard rail whilst descending and came down crab fashion for those steps.

Glad I skipped the Lindisfarne concert on Friday when I had a seat someway up the stairs


That’s great news!

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Thanks Pete, and I hope you’re feeling okay after the last treatment.

Been a bit rough the last few days, dragging my left hip around like it’s not working anymore. I was warned of the many side effects. Cheers.


Sorry to hear, man. Wish we could help. (but it’s a h*ll of a commute).
Really do wish we could help …


Ouch sounds painful, I can truly empathise

I can hear this song, 0h the knee bone’s connected to the thigh bone :meat_on_bone: and the thigh bone’s connected to the hip bone ,

Best wishes


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Yep and there’ll all singing a different song. :rofl::rofl:


That’s it

Best wishes


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Great to hear HH. look after her (I am sure you will).

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You do. Cheers. :+1:

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Like so many others here, I’m delighted to hear that she’s home and the scary stuff seems to have passed. All the best.

And what is it with hips these days? I’m not even dealing with your issues, but my hips are a mess. And I’ve got one or two friends with the same hip issues. I’ve been trying to stretch them out and specifically exercise them these days, but I think my lower back issue plays a part.
I’ve always had a curved spine (scoliosis) since way back in my teens. This may also contribute to it. I’ve got to start going to the chiropractor again soon, I’m just being lazy regarding that.

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I am ex carpet layer I’ve already had one replaced. My good one is just part of the side effects it’s my first day off steroids since the chemo. It’ll get better in a few days I hope.

Be careful I often think a bad chiropractor can do a lot of damage, I prefer a dentist. :grin:


My the dentist is better………your dentist must be amazing.

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Maybe not amazing but certainly better than some of the chiropractors I’ve been to.

Truth is I probably don’t like either of them. :rofl::rofl:


Out and about at Rye Harbour and just passed Vic Reeves with ‘Mrs Reeves’ a few steps behind.

I told her I saw her sing Cry Me A River at Jeff Beck’s 60th Birthday concert at the Royal Albert Hall and she was brilliant. She was over the moon.

Stunning day here.


People tell me that Sonos is foolproof and wonder why I would bother with anything else. Well an hour’s struggle last evening gives me something to say about that.

My daughter had changed her router and everything worked except her Sonos system (with four speakers all WiFi connected). She and a friend had spent over an hour trying to get the units to work with her new WiFi, got one connected, and then given up. We were invited round for dinner yesterday and of course I said I would take a look.

Now I knew nothing about Sonos so it was a bit of a voyage of discovery. I read endless help pages in the Sonos website and decided that what she had achieved so far was to recruit one speaker to a new network. But it turned out eventually that you can’t add to a new network speakers that were from another network without factory resetting them. My daughter said that these were Sonos Play One speakers.

So I tried for ages to factory reset one, without success, following the instructions on the Sonos website. Then I started reading the Sonos forum and looking at YouTube videos and it gradually dawned on me that what I was looking at in my hands wasn’t a Sonos Play One but rather a Sonos Play One 2nd generation. The method of factory resetting is totally different.

Ultimately after just over an hour I had added the second speaker, left instructions for my daughter on how to add the other two (although I didn’t actually see those so they have a different factory reset method) and as the designated driver, drove us home where I could have a glass of something soothing before bed!

Anyway no one telling me that Sonos is easy is going to get away with that next time!


I bought a Sonos surround system it was the easiest thing I’ve ever had to set up. Just connected the main sound bar and it did the rest.

I also less trouble with it than I do QB Muso.

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@davidhendon @Pete_the_painter

You’re both right :grinning:

We’ve Sonus for the kitchen and was very easy to set up (though so was my Atom !). Did change router a year later, and the factory reset / new passkey matters were a total faff

So. Easy from new. But maybe doesn’t like changes.


I’m just back from Nashville, where my wife and I went for the Premier League Fan Fest. An extraordinary event hosted by the big footie cable channel: more than 15,000 people over the two days; fans of every PL team (plus other clubs) wearing their colours; probably about 90% American fans, who are knowledgeable and passionate about the game; lots of banter but everything as good-natured as can be.
The city is something else too. Lower Broadway is known as the Honky Tonk Highway. It has about 40 bars, one after the other, some with multiple levels and rooftop bars, all with live music from uniformly talented musicians, who play 10 a.m. to 3 a.m. every day.
The only downside for me was the bad sunburn. I’ve lived in Florida more than 20 years and never been burned, but one roasting morning in Tennessee and I was a mess. My own stupid fault. The only downside for my wife was that her beloved Liverpool blew it.