Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Yes tempting providence - which is a fickle god ….

Best wishes


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Last 24 hours has made me realise I’m getting old.
I had 10 trees and bushes to plant. Yesterday dug 5 holes 400x400x400 mm. I couldn’t have dug a 6th. Absolutely took it out of me. I managed to mix soil/gravel/fertiliser and get 5 plants in. Today I have done the other 5. Again I now need to sit down with a cup of tea. :grinning: It’s not just the back muscles etc, but a feeling of being done in. I shouldn’t be surprised at age 69, but I walk the dog every day for at least an hour, run on the treadmill for 20 mins, and keep active generally.
Getting old is no fun.


…aging does have it challenges and moments but I do believe that is better then the alternative.


Well said

Swapped my very full media storage room with Mrs G’s underused “office”. With her permission of course, I mean come on guys, even I’m not that daft!

We stripped out her office/dumping ground, and built the new Billy bookcase I’d bought to add to the three full ones. We tried lining them up and levelling them only to find they would move or sink in the carpet. It’s enough to drive you insane. So we just filled them up with CD’s and hey-presto they levelled themselves up.

Records and Kallax were moved along with paraphernalia. Feeling a bit worn out but very happy now I have space to expand my collections. Mrs. G likes it and requested a chair for her to sit in when I replace the fishing and office chairs.

Before shots of Mrs. G’s office.

After shots of what is now my new media storage room


I would make the observation that you are doing very well, all that happened is you used muscles that rarely get used

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Today the weather cleared enough for me to finally fit the new exhaust on my son’s car. All fairly straightforward apart from, as expected, the O2 sensor refusing to come out of the old exhaust. Dandered down the road with a length of the offending exhaust and had a neighbour apply some inductive heating and quenching (he’s a car restoration person). Couple of cycles of that and out it came.

Once that was sorted I helped my son finish assembling our new polytunnel. We had the frame up on Monday and just needed to apply the skin over the main body.

Doors to be assembled and installed tomorrow.

Given how muddy the orchard was the next task was to take, the now brown, Zhukov to the beach. Also tested out the new exhaust. Zhukov now fully de-mudded.

Finally, as @bruss has observed, such unaccustomed exercise takes its toll on us old codgers so had a long Radox infused bath. That helped a bit but not enough. Now applying internal liniment of the Zinfandel variety.



Zhukhov walk would be enough for me👍

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The walk is a gentle stroll for me, punctuated by tennis ball lobbing.


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That is superb, feeling slightly envious

Best wishes


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Thank you @Ian2001

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Nipped down to Dungeness, paid an admission and up to the top.

What a view


I have been using a Virgin Media superhub 2ac ever since they first gave it to me in 2015 and I’ve been out of contract since May 2017. I have resisted changing the hub, despite its random failure of one or more status lights (they seem to come and go) because I haven’t been having those network problems so many people complain about in the forum.

But VM became insistent about replacing the old Superhub 2ac and made staying out of contract more and more expensive. So I finally gave in and got them to quote me for their Gig1 service. Ultimately, after a significant faff, for £20 month less, they have given me a Superhub 5, the much faster broadband package, a land line and a TV service.

Changing the hub over was trivially easy and took 15 mins. I haven’t set up the TV box yet, but I will later, although I can’t imagine us stopping using Sky for TV. So I will probably get the box working and then leave it connected but not used.

I decided to expand my use of U3a and was to take a CD to the classical music listening session. As all my CDs are on my Melco, I had to go rummaging through boxes.
Remember those days when people posted the bagful of purchases in Poundland jn what is the latest CD? One of my boxes contained 20 of those still in their wrappers…

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Eight hours in the forest with my father in law. Felling trees for planks and firewood. This is beech.


Not my daily vehicle of choice, but imagine you drive your lambo up to the west end of London for some quick shopping, you park it, wander away and come back a few minutes later to see your car has found three (almost) identical friends to play with. Dover Street W1 earlier today…


Why on earth would you want a car like that in London, or anywhere? ( Rhetorical of course).

The blue tractor has far more class…

Because you’re the type of person who seeks affirmation from seeing people taking pictures of your car. Who on earth would take a picture of some rich git’s car. Just sneer and walk on by.


my daily ride is a 1 litre Audi A1. As I said not my car of choice!