Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Disgraceful. The type of person who spends thousands on a high performance car disgusts me almost as much as those who spend so much on high performance hi-fi, oh wait…



Great looking car. Yellow looks the best.

Hope the welding is better than the pigeon poo as found on Ferrari. Actually it would be difficult to be worse… :roll_eyes:


Subtle :wink:

Woke up to this.

Oh joy.



Where are you going?

Geneva, via Heathrow. Then Lausanne, Zermatt, Lucerne and finally Basel.

Just had the same email from BA, this time about our LHR-GVA flight.



I think a lot of these emails are automatically generated by BA whether they actually apply to you or not. I have had similar emails of dire warnings and then you board your plane and wonder what the fuss was all about. Good luck!

At the airport and the first flight is showing with a 70 minute delay. Problem is that Belfast City airport is rather susceptible to wind. There’s a lot of that about here today.


Yesterday, I spent an hour or two with my hi-viz vest on and carrying a large black bin liner to do my usual bi-monthly clean up of the roadside verge by the house. It’s quite wooded and on a bend so a perfect place for some people to chuck their rubbish without anyone behind seeing. Not as much as usual, which pleased me until someone in the village told me they had done a clean up only two weeks previously. How utterly Depressing. If the amount of beer and cider cans isn’t bad enough, worst by far are the increasing numbers of disposable vapes im picking up. While waiting for a train last week I counted over 40 lying around 2 metre square area of the rail track. This can’t bode well for the environment…



Same problem in the 500 Series thread… :upside_down_face:


How different from photographing a high end hi fi I wonder?

No 1 son was waiting for a train at Rowlands Castle station yesterday afternoon when someone jumped in front of a through train. He didn’t see them jump but realised something was up when the train slammed on its brakes. Of course, it couldn’t stop in time and the person was killed. Son saw the body and was interviewed by the Police and it was all rather traumatic for him, especially given the mental health issues he’s suffered from himself. I’ve had a chat with him this evening and he’s trying to keep busy and not think about it.

Son aside, it must be dreadful for the poor train driver and of course it’s absolutely tragic that people get to a place where they feel it’s the only way out.


Hope there is support for the train driver……and all involved, including your son.


There is normally support for the train driver. HH, please try and persuade your son to talk to a professional as soon as he can.


Three hours after work cutting lumber. My back hurts. But good fun.


I used to go for a two mile walk, take a bag and bring it back full of detritus and litter .

Why can’t these people take it home with them and throw it on their carpets at home .

Where it belongs

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Sorry to hear this Nigel. Sadly it’s not an uncommon occurrence. Just a few weeks back my train to Charing Cross was diverted to Victoria because of a suicide. According to Network Rail there were 240 suicides on the rail network last year with over 2,000 attempted suicides also recorded.

It must be very distressing for the train driver. I’m told that when it happens the driver is immediately taken off work duty and is provided with a counselling and support team to help them until they are fit and ready to get back into the train drivers cab again.

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Purchased a bundle of quality sketching supplies (pencils, watercolour pencils, pad etc.) so I’m good to go with a new hobby that I haven’t touched for probably the best part of 50 years !

In my younger years I used to throw caution to the wind with sub-aqua and skiing but these days I’m a wuss…


A new system has been just introduced in Ireland whereby you pay around 10c extra on drinks cans & plastic bottles at purchase. Retailers & supermarkets are now fitted with obligatory recycling machines where you get your money back when deposited. It’s used to good effect in other countries apparently so remains to be seen here if it cuts down on the usual roadside littering etc. It also might encourage people to gather them up and bring them back to get a few quid.


So I have had a week of days where the dominant fact is that my younger brother Paul had a stroke last Tuesday. Unfortunately he put up with feeling increasingly unwell and aware that he was losing all feeling in his left side for 6 hours before calling his GP surgery who didn’t understand his speech for a while but eventually the receptionist came back from consulting the GP and told him to go to hospital immediately. Instead of that he rang me, we live 100 miles away, and asked me what he should do. Obviously I said ring 999 and get an ambulance now. DONT WAIT!! The ambulance arrived 10 mins later.

By the time I got there, two hours later, he had been assessed in the Emergency Dept and was about to be transferred to the Stroke Unit, where he now is. He has lost all of the use of his left arm (he is left-handed) and most of the use of his left leg. But his speech is OK and he can see ok, although his left eye isn’t working properly.

I have been to see him three times now and my other brother and wife have been once. He is cheerful and determined but the Stroke Unit staff are seeing no improvement at all so far. Paul lives on his own in a flat which is up some stairs and without a lift. I have a horrible feeling that he won’t ever actually be able to live there again, nor be able drive his beloved Jaguar F-Pace again. If he had only called for an ambulance as soon as he felt his left side going, it might have been all so very different. He apparently knew nothing about “the golden hour” after someone has a stroke. How can an intelligent person of 70 not know that?!

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