Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

We went to see Joe Stilgoe and Liza Pullman at Poole Lighthouse yesterday evening. An excellent concert with just Joe on Piano and Liza in a small half full theatre which made it feel nice and intimate which suited the event.

Highly recommended if like their genre (American songbook stuff). It was a bargain at £35 for 2 tickets.

They have an album coming out next month, I see it’s ready to go on QoBuz.

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Wouldn’t two factor authentication make the attempt impossible without access to your phone?


I believe that is indeed the case, hence the use of the phrase “an attempt has been made to log on”, rather than “ you have logged on from a new device”.

But it does no harm to change passwords every so often.

It seems to me that with email addresses so often spread on the internet that it is inevitable that someone is trying to hack in. The Apple advice is to check the list of devices logged in to the account and other security info. If one finds the warnings irritating then change the Apple ID email.


Rebuilt a wall (I’m no brickie)

And tidied the garden (I’m no gardener)


I had my spring Covid jab this morning, which got me out of the house earlier than usual, which was nice. Then it was a visit to the fish shop, a visit to the veg shop, and then a walk down to the harbour and a walk along the coastal path. It was really quiet, and somehow felt like being on holiday.


Breezy two river (Stour & Orwell) peninsular walk starting and ending at the RN WW2 cemetery overlooking the Orwell and Felixstowe docks.


Willy really sorry you didn’t get a ride on the Glacier Express. I did a ride from Tiefencastel to Brig in January. My second trip; had done St.Moritz to Zermatt and return over two days January 2020.
The Furka pass and then the decent westward into Andermatt is always for me, the highlight. Perhaps because I skied there with a local guide, before the resort expanded.
After my earlier return trip, I alighted overnight at Thusis before doing a trip on Bernina Express down to Tirano, lunch and return. Snowy weather; great journey, few travellers. You-tube video of cab ride, by lorirocks777 of entire journey to Tirano, was filmed about the same time, similar conditions entitled
“4K Cab ride :switzerland:St. Moritz - :it:Tirano, fresh snow, strong winds & snowdrifts”
Anyone keen on Swiss travel, worth a look.
Hope the rest of your plans pass off ok, bon voyage Willy.

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I had the same here in Canada and did likewise.
If that was phishing, it was well executed!

having met H. twice, in Emsworth many years ago and in Milano a bit more recently, I remember her as the gentlest, smiling person. I am really sorry to read of this and prey, should she remember me give her my regards and my sincerest wishes.

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Good news of the day… PSA activity 0.03 thingumybobs.
Bad news of the day… Glaucoma has not responded to nightly eye drops.
21 thingumybobs and it should be below 15.
Different drops for 3 months and if no improvement serious thought to be given to glaucoma and cataract surgery.

Nice to have something to look forward to.

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Great news on the PSA Nick, fingers crossed on the eyes.

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Cataract surgery is a breeze Nick. It’s a really simple safe procedure and you are pretty well sorted in 24 hours.

Also cataract surgery reduces your intra-ocular pressure. In my case it went from a problem to normal more or less immediately and is still fine 2 years later.


Thanks for trying to cheer me up but I know from across the Avenue it can still go horribly wrong. Teaching hospital student under supervision dug a little to deeply last month into Mary’s eye.
I start my 85th year next month. How the old carcass feels physically and spiritually will play a major part in any final decision.

There will always be horror stories, but I believe cataract surgery is the safest and most successful surgery in uk currently. I had both eyes done in one afternoon and have only been glad at the outcome. Mind you it was a consultant who did it, not a trainee.

But relevantly, cataract surgery can reduce the intra-ocular pressure, which is a big feature of glaucoma, so even if you can still read number plates ok, you may still benefit a lot from cataract surgery. I’m sure Google can explain why.


Thanks, nice to hear that as I have early cataracts which will need dealing with eventually

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Cataracts don’t need to “mature” before they are dealt with. What that is about is that the NHS need you to be really disabled before they will deal with one/both.

But if you are willing to pay then you can have one or both done as soon as ethically the surgeon thinks it’s right to intervene. And it isn’t that expensive, unless you need a general anaesthetic for some special reason.

Thank you, that is really helpful to know.

An elderly relative has just had both eyes done (inc. new lenses) privately at a combined cost of ~£6k. The first one was done in < 7 days, with a required gap of ~3 weeks (IIRC) to the 2nd.

Of course, new glasses need to be added to the bill :grin:

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Doing both eyes on the same occasion is less common than doing them with a 3 week gap, but there is an official procedure code for it and it has advantages. It’s cheaper of course, but also you get to enjoy the impact of both eyes sorted in the same 24 hours. And there is a significant eye drop programme after a cataract op which lasts a month, so doing that once rather than twice is a big gain!

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